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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220738-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1917
Country: England,France,New Zealand,United Kingdom
Location: ARRAS
TC Begins: 20:41:53
TC Ends: 20:58:03
Duration: 00:16:10
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - 1917, France: British, New Zealanders, Canadians & Australians At Battle of Arras Intertitle: “The arrival of the troop transport in a French port.” British troops disembark down gangway from transport / troopshipt; gun carriages & wagons offloaded by ship’s cranes. Horses walked on dock. 20:42:57 Intertitle: “...New Zealanders entrain for a front line railhead.” 20:43:32 Intertitle. British troops, Devonshire Regiment march down rural road. Horse-drawn artillery bring up the rear. Cavalry moves forward. 20:45:20 Intertitle: “Tanks join in the merry throng.” Mark IV tank towards camera. Large Gun Tractor which has broken down 20:46:38 Intertitle: “The Norfolks resting on their way to the front”. Sitting beside road. “Australian transport moving round mine crater”. Pan huge crater & over ruins & destroyed buildings. 20:48:06 Intertitle: “Indian lancers waiting the order to advance.” In field beside horses 20:48:45 Intertitle: “The Guards division moves forward led by Irish Guards & Grenadiers”. March down road led by penny-whistle band & drummers. Guns & artillery move forward. 20:50:29 Intertitle: “The ‘Creme de Menthe’ passes.” Mark IV (?) Tank passes. 20:51:01 Intertitle: “Gordons preparing barbed-wire entanglements.” Highlanders spread barbed wire barricades in large field. 6” guns moved into position pulled by teams of horses. One stuck pulled by soldiers as well. 20:53:07 Intertitle: “A Monster 12” naval gun bestows her attention upon the German lines of communication, 12 miles to the rear.” Huge gun mounted on railroad car fires; Railroad gun reloaded w/ powder & shell, fired. 20:54:38 Intertitle: “The ‘tanks’ gradually work their way forward to their battle positions.” Moving slowly over trench & rough ground. 20:55:24 Intertitle: “The Canadian 60 Pounders.” Fired (brief), large explosion on horizon. Canadian soldiers reloading & firing. Australian troops firing big guns / mortars under camouflage netting, reloading & firing. 20:56:11 Intertitle: re camouflage painted tank advances over No-Man’s land under fire. British troops firing field guns from under planks & camouflage netting. Loading shells & firing very large ??. Artillery firing from sandbagged position. WW1; Allies; Battle; Fighting; Weapons; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Battle of Arras was ca 09Apr-16May17. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: