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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220657-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1917,1918,1910s
Country: England,France,United Kingdom,USA
TC Begins: 00:46:29
TC Ends: 00:52:52
Duration: 00:06:23
WWI - 1918 ca, France: US Cavalry Arrival; Celebrations; Black Doughboys; Fighting Village Fire Railway yard / station; American soldiers unloading horses & mules with wheeled ramps from cattle cars / freight cars as French soldiers watch. (NOTE: film runs faster than normal - Good Photographic Quality.) WW1; Allies; Military Supplies; 00:47:31 High Angle / HA Crowds parading past w/ flag on Paris streets, on foot & some in cars & horse drawn vehicles. Crowds waving to camera, 00:49:24 Sidewalk shots of crowds watch & walking up street. People look at camera & happy. Car w/ US flag & bunting. Soldiers & others waving to camera. MCU. GOOD. Post-WW2 Cheering; Allied Parades; Allies; 00:50:17 Black soldiers & a few White troops & French in camp near the front. Eating around cook stoves & talking & walking about. 00:50:35 Black soldiers in resting on top of sandy ridge, pan across & trenches visible w/ men moving thru in background. MS two Black soldiers sitting on dirt above path talking while column of Black troops w/ rifles march past. 00:51:32 Black troops cleaning dismantled mortar & parts. Column walking thru. Some Black soldiers eating beside mortar parts. WW1; Doughboys; 1910s; 1918 ca; 00:52:36 Narrow village street damage & smoke; fire hoses spraying rubble & crater of remains of destroyed house or shelled building w/ smoke rising as people watch. WW1 Shelling Aftermath; 1914; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1918; 1910s; If requested will provide 00:42:56 - 00:52:52 (2 cards) at per reel rate.