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WWI - Austrian & Hungarian troops on way to Italian Alps.

Reel Number: 220672-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1915,1916,1917

Country: Austria,Hungary,Italy

Location: Alps

TC Begins: 02:05:20

TC Ends: 02:21:47

Duration: 00:16:27

WWI - Austrian & Hungarian troops on way to Italian Alps. Pan over large number of troops massed in yard near factory (?). 02:05:42 Truck w/ troops & pulling trailer passing large number of soldiers walking along road & across bridge. 02:05:49 POV from rear of wagon leaving village; peasants & cattle walking in other direction. Man wrecked wagons alongside road. Troops walking past wrecked trucks & large gun. Highway ditch filled w/ equipment. 02:06:30 Many troops w/ blankets & packs in farm yard. View across valley. Austrian troops crossing railroad, wave to camera; near station. 02:07:07 Soldier dressing leg of seriously wounded man lying by roadside. Wounded soldiers standing & hobble past, large mountain in background. 02:07:30 Troops on road past wrecked equipment on road. Pan over wrecked equipment in ditch by roadside. Truck slowly past w/ some troops following. 02:08:38 Title (Hungarian?). Trucks w/ troops in convoy on road passing troops on foot along road winding along mountainside. (Hungarian Title re village of Olasz.) Many trops walkig. Refugees w/ wagons & oxen, troops riding also, troops walking, leading cattle, horses. (GOOD). 02:10:45 POV from rear of wagon thru village square filled w/ debris & wrecked equipment. Austrian troops greeting Hungarians. Standing along road, mountains behind. (Hungarian title) Troops into village square, priest & medics pst several old men. 02:12:07 Troops into wooden shed, drink from canteens. POV from wagon leaving earlier village past wrecked wagons. Oxen pulling freight wagons passed by car; helmeted troops walk in opposite direction. Thru village w/ very large gun emplacements. 02:13:08 Wrecked village in mountain valley. Troops coming & going on muddy mountain road. 02:14:05 Wrecked equipment roadside. Troops thru mountain villages (GOOD). Along icy, muddy road. 02:15:48 Summer & dry road w/ pack mules & burning roadside rubble. Ski troops up valley & icy road. Dead horse. Crossing flowing river on horseback. Destroyed artillery by roadside, troops past. 20:19:11 Dead body by road w/ soldier pausing. (Hungarian title) Civilians incl. children walk in front of troops across narrow bridge. Passing snowy peaks on foot, in large truck. 20:20:44 Soldiers run thru trenches, across rocky muntainside.. 20:21:06 Title: ..IV. Karoly (Charles IV) Emperor of Austria in mountains w/ officers sitting on rocks w/ binoculars, maps. Soldiers running down rocky slope, wire barricade fence. NOTE: Hungarians fought alongisde Austrians against Italians near Isonzo River inside Austria near border w/ Italy Jun15-Nov17. Now in Slovenia.

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