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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220738-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1915,1916,1917,1918
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 20:28:04
TC Ends: 20:41:11
Duration: 00:13:07
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - ca 1916, Germany: Manufacture of War Planes Titles (German). 20:29:00 Boards in lumberyard selected & loaded into large horse-drawn wagon. 20:29:16 Intertitle. Large carpentry shop, pan men working at machines to cut & shape for use in aircraft manufacture. MS sanding / planing wood; jigsaw cutting curves on fuselage spacers & filing in vise. Marking pattern on wood from template. 20:30:56 Intertitle. Man glueing frame of wing; women wiring & attaching canvas. Glueing or ?? 20:31:57 Intertitle. Men completing wings. 20:32:47 Intertitle. Fuselage ribs in jig & skin attached; women sanding. Tail section attached. LS of factory floor w/ many lanes under construction (some w/ box behind cross markings of 1914-1915, others 1915-1917, cross w/ white outline.. 20:34:09 Intertitle. Preparing motor mountings on fuselage; working on tail. Welding or grinding. 20:35:31 Assembled fuselage rolled out by hand w/ motor installed. 20:35:52 Intertitle. Men attaching upper wing; lower wing & wires attached. 20:37:08 Intertitle. Hanger door opened & plane walked out w/ pilot in cockpit; others walked out. 20:37:57 Intertitle. Motor started. Military & civilians watching pilot get into cockpit, warms up & takes off. 20:39:26 Intertitle: Looping. LS plane doing loop. 20:40:07 Intertitle: Landung. Landing, r. to l. by plane w/ cross on white box marking. 20:40:35 Intertitle. Crated plane on railway car w/ bombs (?) below; another being loaded & covered w/ canvas. 20:41:07 End Logo: Bild-Und Film... Armament manufacture; 1918; Germany; Military Aviation; Airplane Factory; WW1; NOTE: All titles in German. Planes probably Albatros D.II 7 &/or D.III fighters are assembled at the Albatroswerke GmbH, Johannisthal b. Berlin, ca late 1916. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: