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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220732-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1916,1917,1918
Country: Australia,Belgium,Canada,France,Germany,Palestine
Location: Canal Du Nord,Middle East,Ypres
TC Begins: 10:15:42
TC Ends: 10:30:38
Duration: 00:14:56
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - ca 1918, France: British Cavalry; Royalty & Injured; Military & Civilian Officials; Damaged Hospital Flash Intertitle: “And here the Hun & his cannon would block the way - but the British sweep on to take the wood.” Cavalry rides across field & past down small hil; British troops on horseback lead pack string past many troops in woods. 10:17:00 Intertitle: “Queen Mary comforts the wounded heroes.” In a field hospital, speaking to wounded. Queen Mary shaking officers’ hands, w/ King George V on railway station platform. Other unid. VIPs. 10:17:14 Flash intertitle: “British Artillery soon broke the Hindenburg line.” Field artillery line firing r. to l. 10:17:53 British soldiers watch as refugees in wagons & walking pass on country road. Refugees moving thru town l. to r. as British artillery moves r. to l. towards the front. 10:18:45 Intertitle re shells to the front. Narrow gauge railroad cars carry ammunition; men carrying large shells & stacking. Wreckage of small field artillery & military equipment in deserted trenches & craters. 10:20:12 Intertitle re Field Marshal Haig meets w/ Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in France. MS seated in garden talking, posing for camera. 10:20:38 Intertitle. Field of captured German artillery & other equipment taken by Canadians after four days fighting (per intertitle). 10:21:27 Intertitle. Soldiers in bottom of drained deep Canal du Nord w/ debris & wreckage after British routed Germans; tilt up wall to soldiers on top. 10:22:24 Haig w/ Premier Clemenceau leaving cars w/ destroyed town behind, talking w/ other officers & civilans, surrounded by heavily bomb-damaged buildings. General Byng (on right) w/ Australian Gen. John Monash. Monash talking to priest. Haig w/ priest. Clemenceau w/ other civilian men & women. Clemenceau & others (including Charles de Freycinet ? w/ goatee) reviewing Honor Guard. 10:24:17 Intertitle: “Inspecting the late German headquarters, now a yawning ruin”. Building w/ German sign Kommandantur. Bullet holes in damaged brickwork. Clemenceau & others out & down stone steps covered w/ rubble & into cars & leave. 10:25:30 Intertitle: “On the outskirts of Ypres, the hospital suffered the usual fate when in range of a Hun gun. The British blow up dangerous walls of the ruins”. LS building hit be artillery; MS pulling down walls. 10:26:06 Flash title re England buries Baron von Richthofen, the Red Baron. ca21Apr18 Australian, British(?) & Anzac’s (?) carry coffin past saluting troops & load into back of truck. 10:26:31 Intertitle: “In a little cemetery Anzacs give the final salute.” Coffin to grave & ceremony at burial w/ gun salute over grave, Australian / New Zealand troops. 10:27:47 Intertitle: “An historic meeting of King George w/ Marshal Foch, Generals Haig & Petain, just previous to the signing of the armistice.” Pose in front of other French, British & ?? officers. 10:28:12 Intertitle: “Keep Steady - Aye Keep Steady, and all will be well. - Lloyd George’s message to the people last July”. David Lloyd George w/ VIPs & inspecting honor guard. 10:28:38 Intertitle: “Britain Fights For Democracy In Palestine...” Loading bales of cotton onto army trucks; loading bags into carts behind mule teams in front of sandbagged area & white tents. CU man putting hand & arm into camel’s mouth. Camels drinking at water trough. British military riding camels & w/ pack camels. 10:30:17 Intertitle. Column of army cars & trucks up desert canyon. WW1 Battles; Fighting; Destruction; Damage; 1910s; Royalty; Pilot; Celebrity; Desert; Canada; Australia; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: