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WWI - Documentary: France in Arms R3 of 5

Reel Number: 220731-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1914-1918,1910s

Country: France


TC Begins: 09:44:23

TC Ends: 09:59:33

Duration: 00:15:10

WWI - France, Actuality R3 of 5 Heavy guns mounted on train - 270mm raised; men climb onto 305mm w/ Gerienne on barrel. 320mm cannon & troops beside railroad car. Troops move shells up on car; 340mm cannon mounted under camouflage netting. 09:46:15 Mortars & howitzers: 220mm raised w/ troops around, breech shown closing. 270mm mortar raised set in camouflaged position. 280mm mortar w/ barrel opened, smoke out as shell hoisted. 370mm howitzer on large railway car w/ crew. 400mm howitzer w/ barrel raised, crew & firing. Crane placing upper part of large 520mm howitzer as men watch it lowered into place. 09:48:40 Munitions factory, woman operating truck moving shells; tracking shot along women workers. Large shells hoisted, stacked. 09:49:53 Map. Animation over relief map imitating aerial view of bombardment. 09:50:30 Completely leveled countryside (brief), aftermath bombardment. Crowds of workers entering or leaving factory, many on bicycles (GOOD). 09:51:20 LTA being constructed at aeronautics factory - women workers on floor glue fabric; workers hanging on swings around nearly completed zeppelin. 09:52:08 Airplane factory & parts, wings & motor manufacture - many women workers. Working at various stages. Finished biplanes in hangar. Shop floor w/ motors assembled. Testing motor on test rack. 09:53:14 1914 Bleriot plane on field, Bleriot taxiing. Farman 14, pilot climbs into plane along w/ co-pilot, taxiis. 1914 Caudron w/ pilot & mechanics. 09:55:36 1917 planes: The Morane; The Nieuport being started & taxiing; The Spad outside hanger testing controls. 09:57:03 Bombers: The Breguet; The Caproni; The Voisin. 09:58:24 Observation planes: The Bi-motor Caudron; The Sopwith; The Salmsom. WW1 War Production; Early French Military Aviation; WWI; NOTE: Entire or partial sold at per reel rate

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