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WWI - Documentary: France in Arms R5 of 5

Reel Number: 220732-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1917,1918

Country: France


TC Begins: 10:00:38

TC Ends: 10:15:07

Duration: 00:14:29

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWI - France, Actuality Intertitle. 10:00:44 Railway gun, men riding train cars w/ ammunition. Crew w/ rr gun & camouflage paint on rising barrel. Steam train seen passing thru trees; soldiers onto railway gun under camouflage net. 10:01:16 Title. French artillery under camouflage loaded, fired & shell casings thrown into huge piles; artillery advances. Various shots different big guns firing. 10:03:52 Title “Over the top to victory! Photographed at 6 a.m. this is the only bona fide picture ever made of French troops advancing upon the enemy’s entrenchments!” 10:04:08 Troops in trench, CU officer looking at watch, soldiers w/ fixed bayonets sheltering in trench from enemy fire; out of trench, run across field. Flame-thrower w/ heavy smoke. Soldiers advance from crater to crater. 10:05:55 Intertitle: “Prisoners”. German Prisoners of War marched thru trench & thru village. POWs into camp. Prisoners fed. 10:07:51 Intertitle: “The Wounded”. Injured treated by medic in trench. Walking wounded assisted out of trench & stretchers moved to first aid posts. Stretcher cases loaded into ambulance & drive off. 10:09:28 Intertitle: “The Evacuation hospital”. LS pan barracks w/ red cross on roof. Medics walking on board walks between barracks. 10:10:03 Men to ambulance, start to leave. Interior wards w/ doctors & nurses. Wounded soldiers walking on grounds, nurses. 10:10:46 Intertitle: “The hospital train.” Wounded on stretchers loaded onto train; others in windows & doorways. 10:11:09 Intertitle: The base hospital in the interior”. Interior of ward w/ civilian & officers inspecting. Man in bed w/ nurse attending to drip. 10:11:33 Interititle: “After the battle”. Masses of troops march across field w/ bayoneted rifles. Troops w/ bicycles. Troops on horseback, cavalry. 10:13:06 Slug 10:13:10 Intertitle: “The recompense... General Petain decorates the valiant men & their colors”. French soldiers receiving kisses, medals & swords on shoulders in ceremony on the field. CU flag listing battles. 10:14:14 Intertitle: “The soldier of the Marne - of Verdun - the soldier of France!” MS of soldier w/ award. 10:14:27 Intertitle: “The Victor of Yesterday and the Victor of Tomorrow!” General Joffre w/ medals talking to General Pershing. 10:14:40 Intertitle: “The Americans must know that when their army arrives upon our shores, it will be received by France, at the height of her power -- although for three years she has borne the principal onslaughts of our redoubtable enemy.” The End. WW1; Documentary; Battle; Fighting; Military ceremony; NOTE: Entire or partial sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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