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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220739-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914-1918
Country: France
Location: Baupaume La Bassee,Cambrai,Canal du Nord Bourlon Wood,St Quentin
TC Begins: 21:47:15
TC Ends: 22:03:10
Duration: 00:15:55
WWI - How the British Army Broke the Hindenburg Line Reel 1 Summary: On the British advance during the Cambrai Offensive. Infantry units move up near Inchy. LS Bourlon Wood and a sugar factory on the Cambrai road which formed a German Machine gun post. 21:49:50 Supplies are brought up in horse drawn carts. British troops moving into trenches. 21:50:48 German prisoners of war brought in. Prisoners are treated at a dressing station. Wounded on stretchers. Walking wounded prisoner given mug of tea. Medics bandage leg wound 21:53:16 British 63rd Naval Division moving to the front. German guns captured by Canadians. Captured German tanks. British regiment of the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry going forward through Bapaume. 21:55:53 Crossing the Canal du Nord. Bomb damage Part Two 21:56:33 Cameron Highlanders moving forward. Masses of POWs. Top shot as prisoners walk along bottom of Canal du Nord. 21:58:-7 Railroad tracks along the Canal du Nord are repaired. 21:58:34 Local population, mostly women, of Ecourt St. Quentin pose with British troops. 21:59:27 Three young men who escaped the Germans and have now joined French army. 22:00:09 Thousands of British soldiers on board troopship heading back to England for rest. Shots as leaves dock. 22:00:52 Street in Baupaume showing total devastation. Scenes from the Citadel showing barracks and ruins of church 22:02:02 La Bassee after four years German occupation - ruins - British infantry walk in ruins. Road sign.