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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220536-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914,1915,1910s
Country: USA
Location: Arctic,Indian Point,Point hope, Alaska
TC Begins: 07:48:18
TC Ends: 08:04:35
Duration: 00:16:17
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1914 / 1915 - Whaler Herman at Indian Point & Point Hope Three-masted (?) sailing ship turning on water & passing showing rigging & masts, ice floes in background. Crew w/ Eskimo & Eskimo child on deck eating blubber w/ knife. 07:48:49 Intertitle: Summer in the Arctic. Arrive at Indian Point. Natives come aboard in large whale boats. 07:49:02 Open small boat to side of ship & Eskimos climb aboard. Greeted & trading for animal skins on board. Captain Pedersen welcomes native & spreads furs on deck; looks at furs. 07:50:02 Intertitle: Natives landed on the ice after having traded their furs to Capt. Pedersen. LS natives on rough ice floe & ship moving away. 07:50:32 Intertitle: Purchases all packed... Loading whale boats w/ bags. CU Eskimo. 07:51:01 Intertitle: Drying salmon. Pan fish hanging on racks in open air. 07:51:23 Intertitle: Puppies and sports. Man & boy holding puppy dogs. Men skipping rope w/ tents behind.. Jumping to kick skin sack suspended from pole. 07:52:48 Two men in skin kayak below side of ship. POV from top of mast / rigging moving thru ice floes. 07:53:23 Eskimo in kayak - rolls over, rights kayak w/o getting out, paddles away. 07:54:43 Intertitle: Whale alongside ship. Whale breeches, on surface. Sailors set out in two small whaling boats; w/ small sail return to ship & hoisted up. 07:57:10 Sailors cleaning whalebone on deck littered w/ many bones.. 07:58:01 Intertitle: Showing the flexibility of whalebone. Man on ship’s deck flexing, wraps around waist. 07:58:48 Water buckets passed up onto ship from ice; pan across rough ice to man pulling water out. 07:59:31 Intertitle: Approaching first ice. POV thru floes & bergs 08:00:16 Intertitle: Bow of ship breaking through young ice... POV Bow breaking thru ice. View from ice of 3-masted ship past. 08:01:40 Intertitle: Large ice. POV from ship of bigger ice floes. 08:02:06 Intertitle: We are welcomed at Point Hope where a dance is giving in honor of shipwrecked party. 08:02:18 Eskimos in furs & on pile of ?? . Intertitle: Men’s dance. Inuit / native men traditional dancing watched by crew & Eskimos. 08:02:56 Intertitle: Women’s dance. Four women dance to drummers. 08:03:23 Intertitle: Susie, the champion solo dancer. CU & dancing. CU native Eskimo faces. 08:04:22 Intertitle: Native with hair dressed for mourning. Top of head shaved. Games; Animals; Exploration; Hunters; Explorers; Inuits; Cold; 1910s; Cetaceans; Arctic; Subsistence; Traditional Dancing; NOTE: Partial or entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: