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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221166-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s
Country: USA
Location: New York,NYC
TC Begins: 09:26:30
TC Ends: 09:55:24
Duration: 00:28:54
1930s (?) - Feature Film: Robinson Crusoe Man stands by WOR mic in tuxedo telling story of Defoe who wrote Robinson Crusoe. 09:26:45 Grandmother & two children llstening to radio, various shots, others children listening to radios w/ optical effects. Picture rolls some (not usable 09:27:12--09:27:23) 09:27:26 Square-rigger sailing ship. Three masted seen from water & onboard with costumed sailors. Storm, stormy sea, heavy waves. miniature ship in tank. 09:28:29--09:29:31 black w/ lightning (not too good--tacky) 09:29:34 Crusoe washed up on beach. Goes to trees then back to man dead on beach, takes knife, carries body up beach to bury him. 09:31:26 Ship washed near shore, takes raft to get food, bullets, etc. Finds dog & cat alive, brings to shore. Sitting in house built of bamboo. W/ dog walks on hills above water, sees no ships. Carves shovel to plant seeds. Put up sign of arrival date and then notched pole each day. 09:35:23 Writing in diary. 09:35:36 Walking on beach w/ dog in skins, with tools. Three fish, cooking on fire. Parrot, goat, cat, monkey & dog in camp. Sit together for meal. Crusoe feeds all. Monkey & dog playing. 09:39:45 Making bread; sick dog. Remembers playing on beach w/ dog. View thru palm trees of Crusoe on beach. 09:42:56 Spots footprints. Runs back & tries to make stockade out of his hut, protected w/ muskrats. 09:46:11 Cannibals arrive on beach and dancing as they drag prisoners out of canoes. Others dancing around fire w/ captives tied up on sand. They drag one off, boy tied up left behind. Boy frees himself & runs off w/ cannibals chasing. 09:47:58 Crusoe fires musket hitting three. Boy tries to dig into sand as others run. Boy puts Crusoe’s foot on him. 09:48:42 Crusoe takes boy back to hut & names him Friday. Teaches him language slowly. Friday plays w/ muskrats. Shoots one, tries to dig into sand. Crusoe give him fur clothes. Canoeing on stream thru jungle. 09:50:55 Friday look in amazement as sees ship at anchor. Ships boat comes ashore. Three prisoners held by mutineers. Friday runs to cave, returns w/ guns. 09:53:15 Crusoe seen by men. He unties them & they go after the mutineers. Kill leader of mutineers. 09:54:20 Man at radio station WOR mic in tuxedo returns to explain that Crusoe told Friday he could come back. Choppy for balance. Crusoe unhappy to leave. Abrupt ending. Adventure Novel; Radio Program; Trained animals; Bearded man; Furs; Hides; Skins; Savages; Announcer; Castaway; Survivor; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate.