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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221558-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950,1950s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 03:36:33
TC Ends: 03:52:48
Duration: 00:16:15
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Oliver Wendell Holmes Emerson Film Corp. 03:36:53 Ext. of Federalist buildings w/ large shade trees; Harvard campus (w/o people.) 03:37:24 Int. “Seriously father, I don’t want to be a lawyer & poetry’s merely a hobby.” Talking over formal breakfast. Reads from newspaper “scrap old Ironsides”; suddenly quotes poem. 3-masted sailing ship The Constitution docked as museum exhibit. 03:38:40 Staged: doctor’s office in Paris. Heavy staged French accent by his instructor. Looks at skeleton & takes it down to pack for the USA. Studying in US, in lab, as a doctor. Writing w/ quill while wife & new son lay on bed. Reads letter he’s written to his sister. They talk. 03:41:37 Treating patient; three doctors talking about disease & lack of cleanliness by medical profession leading to deaths. Lecturing & lecture tours. Men discussing writing in monograph. 03:45:52 1857 & at dinner for start of magazine, Atlantic Monthly. Discuss Saturday Club. Ext. of brownstones. W/ wife crocheting he reads poetry he’s written for magazine. His son comes in, he finishes the poem. They discuss his writings & reasoning. 03:51:29 Ext. of large Northeast home, Berkeley Farms. Interior reading in front of fire in fireplace. Pan along line of his collected writings. The End. History; Biography; Author; Architecture; Wealth; Poet; American Literature; Medicine; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: