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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221665-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: Scotland,United Kingdom,USA
TC Begins: 15:12:35
TC Ends: 15:30:33
Duration: 00:17:58
Andrew Carnegie (main title missing) Emerson Film Corp. Biopic / documentary featuring costumed re-enactments of scenes from Carnegie’s life. Industrial landscape. Carnegie Institute of Technology. Birthplace of Andrew Carnegie in Dunfermline, Scotland. Young Carnegie at home w/ family getting excited about emigrating to America - dialogue scene w/ very bad Scottish accents. 15:14:43 LS sailing ship (brief). Staged: Carnegie in Allegheny, PA - shows skills reading telegraph messages & offered job by Thomas A. Scott of Pennsylvania Railroad. GOOD tracking shot early steam locomotive speeding thru countryside, black smoke pouring from stack. INT mock-up of train carriage - older Carnegie shown plans for first sleeper carriage - tells Scott about plans. 15:17:21 American Civil War re-enactment - good generic battlefield shots. 15:17:35 Carnegie resigns from railroad to enter iron industry. Carnegie forms new company after colleagues refuse to change from iron to steel industry actor’s beard indicating advancing age. Sign ‘Carnegie Brothers & Company Limited’. Carnegie tells brother he wants to bring coke industry under his control. 15:22:15 Pittsburgh shot. Margaret Carnegie on deathbed, “1886”. 15:22:42 Carnegie w/ new wife Louise after death of mother & brother - quotes Shakespeare to her - introduces his Uncle who arrives from Dunfermline. 15:25:12 CU North American Review - ‘Wealth’, by Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie still in business as older man - discusses plan to lease Rockefeller ore fields. 15:27:03 Newspaper headlines: “Big Steel Trust Forming.” “Carnegie Stock on Market”, ‘Carnegie Sells Out!’ Carnegie told that JP Morgan has offered $250 million for business. 15:28:13 Carnegie as old man in re-creation of Skibo Castle gardens, talks to wife “giving money away is harder than making it in the first place...” 15:29:38 Various shots buildings paid for by Carnegie Foundation; montage bridges, steelworks. railroad etc. w/ actor as Carnegie superimposed. The End. US History; Capitalist; Capitalism; Philanthropy; Big Business; Heavy Industry; Tycoons.; Progress; Industrial Revolution; Propaganda; NOTE: Any Continuous minute sold at per reel rate.