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Heritage We Guard, A R1 of 3

Reel Number: 221292-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940

Country: USA


TC Begins: 05:11:14

TC Ends: 05:20:25

Duration: 00:09:11

A Heritage We Guard R1 of 3 Department of Agriculture 05:11:43 Sea gulls in flight; multi-masted sailing ships in harbor w/ sails furled. Hand writing w/ quill pen letter re shipping of fur pelts, CU Dec. 5, 1683 My Lords... 05:13:14 Sealing w/ wax & stamp. 05:13:27 View of forested hills. Pan across thick forest; 3 moose grazing in pond, bear in river & chicks being fed in bird nests (several), CU. Woodpecker; snake on branch moving along. Pan over forests; grasslands w/ many buffalo or bison running across. CU grazing. 05:15:15 Wapiti elk on grass; winter & stags; deer. Mt lion or cougar; deer running. Pronghorn antelope grazing. Grizzly bear eating salmon in river; sow & two cubs on hillside. 05:16:22 Snow capped mountain (Mt. Hood?) from alpine meadow. CU bald eagle. ECU. 05:16:42 Water fowl, geese overhead, landing on water w/ other birds. LS of American Indian standing; MCU. 05:17:08 Roof & flaming arrow setting on fire. burning farm & Indians riding around. CU letter 1750 re moving westward & problems of shipping furs across country. CU hand writing w/ pen. 05:18:28 Trapper in leather jacket & hat w/ fur pelts walking past camera thru woods. 05:18:57 Dockside w/ masted ships; men in tri-corner hats wheeling goods, carry keg, stage coach. 05:19:06 CU ax cutting tree. Tree falling toward camera. men clearing stumps & brush; pulling stumps w/ horses. Blacksmith working. CU corner of log cabins. Oxen pulling plow. 05:20:11 Woman sewing seeds. Walking to cabin w/ husband. End of reel 1. American History; Americana; 1800s; Wildlife; Ecology; Frontiersman;

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