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Kodo Nippon R3 of 4

Reel Number: 221476-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940

Country: Japan


TC Begins: 15:18:20

TC Ends: 15:28:57

Duration: 00:10:37

Japan, ca 1940 w/ stylized Buddhist temples; art works Statue of standing warrior w/ bow & arrow. Pan across forest behind temple to buildings. Mountains & valleys, titles superimposed. Pan valley without titles. 15:19:48 Temple w/ title superimposed. Then temple alone & pan over stylized garden w/ large trees & building. 15:20:29 Ornate numbers: 10, 11 as though calendar pages. 15:20:36 Japanese flag in breeze. 15:20:51 Four Kagura (?) dancers w/ swords on platform seen from seated viewers position; stylized movements. 15:21:58 Japanese title; pan across temple grounds, gardens. CU pigeons on ground; small deer grazing. 15:22:42 Title up tall straight tree trunk, geese flying up from field & overhead forming V formation & circling away. 15:23:35 Japanese title w/ graphic art. Painted chrysanthemums, superimposed title. Title over cheery blossom painting. Characters over forest & pan on to temple w/ sign, wall. Temple grounds w/ old trees. Gravel garden & fence, temple gate beyond. Other grounds w/ stone marker. 15:24:49 Stylized Japanese painting w/ man & women on porch in front of mountains & fog or clouds. 15:24:59 City rooftops, temple roofs, stone lanterns. Wooden sign & temple grounds. 15:25:38 Framed stylized painting (?) of seated Emperor (?). Stone marker post. Temple entrance. Coastline. Scenics of temples. Fences; roofs. 15:26:49 Temple interior w/ candles & incense; Buddha statue, ornate incense holder. Scroll opened w/ characters. 15:27:24 CU of smoking incense burner in form of lotus (?). Temple roofs & gardens. Japanese rock garden w/ water. Entrance way to temples. 15:27:56 Stylized painting of priest (?); etching or print of many anchored European (?) sailing ships in harbor & troops standing on shore. Large cumulus clouds, moon behind. Japanese characters on paper. 15:28:30 Photograph (?) of bowing Japanese priests (?). Print of mounted troops (?) entering walled city. Shot of actual walled city. Ext. of large temple; other temple entrances. Travelogue; Ethnic Culture; Pre-WWII; Buddhist Religion; Buddhism; Scenics; Poetic; Oriental architecture; Pe-WW2; NOTE: Ca 40 min. edited version of original 72 min. film (per IMDB).

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