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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221522-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1953
Country: USA
TC Begins: 17:21:24
TC Ends: 17:31:05
Duration: 00:09:41
Our Country’s Song Coronet Instructional Films 17:21:47 School choir on stage singing Star Spangled Banner, Boy Scouts w/ American flag. Slow trucking shot into mcu. 17:22:18 Cub Scout lowers salute & marches off stage. Elementary classroom & teacher at blackboard w/ pointer teaching words to Star Spangled Banner. CU students trying to read words out loud. Teacher talking to class MOS. 17:23:55 Boy in library w/ librarian looking in book. Girl in classroom playing music at piano to practice for accompanying. Boy working on model of sailing ship; another making poster; showing ship to two girls. Build a model of Fort McHenry, w/ flag of 15 stars & 15 stripes. 17:25:10 Map w/ eastern 13 states. VO about early songs. Students around piano singing Yankee Doodle in classroom, applauding. Girl plays melody of Hail, Columbia! VO describing; illustration of George Washington & events. CU sheet music. Girl finishes playing. 17:26:55 Night w/ model of Ft. McHenry, Staged deck of ship & Francis Scott Key watching thru rigging; miniatures & explosions. Intermittent w/ Key, flag, explosions, flashes. Tacky. 17:28:35 Key writing words to Star Spangled Banner; flag barely visible in dark. VO reciting words. 17:30:03 CU of flag blowing against dark background. Light w/ class behind, students face blackboard. 17:30:45 MS American flag on flag pole. CU of 48 star flag in breeze. GOOD. Patriotism; Patriotic; History; Music; Historical Myth; Educational Films; 1950s; Cold War;