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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221694-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1916
Country: Greece
Location: Salonika
TC Begins: 22:35:48
TC Ends: 22:52:35
Duration: 00:16:47
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. 22:36:00 Donald C. Thompson unwraps protective masks from face, poses. CU Telegram addressed to him % Leslie’s Weekly, 7 Rue Edouard VII Paris. 22:36:54 Title: Salonica...showing City & Harbor...from Aeroplane. Amphibious biplane prepared, started & lowered by crane onto water, takes off & over navy ships, freighters & Salonika. Low over British & French warships underway. 22:43:34 Airplane on water, small boat approaching; sailing ships. Plane up ramp out of water. 22:44:12 Title: Back to her armored nest. Plane lifted by crane out of water & onto ship; wings folded & lowered into hold. 22:47:30 Title: One guess, what is it? Sailor along deck, remove tarp to reveal inflated barrage balloon & lifting out of storage w/ two men in observation basket beneath. 22:50:36 View of ship below & city & countryside. Harbor. 22:51:11 Men in basket & balloon lower back to shipboard & into hold. 1916 WW1; Documentary; Greece; War Reporter; WWI NOTE: Transferred from badly overexposed scratched film material. Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: