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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221771-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1917,1918
Country: England,Germany,United Kingdom
TC Begins: 03:15:41
TC Ends: 03:30:03
Duration: 00:14:22
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - 1917-1918, Germany: Submarine Warfare & Ships Sinking Intertitle: Malerische Fahrt an feindlicher Kuste. POV, submarine on surface across rocky islands to coast. Intertitle: Ein nach Entlassung der Besatzung... Pan of coast continued. firing on freighter Stromboli (?) scuttled against coast. Captain & others (prisoners on deck of German submarine. 03:17:22 Daily Mail, 04May17 Headline re Lord Curzon quote (German). German officer w/ binoculars above hatch, sailor up & takes note, CU, for radioman. 03:18:35 Intertitle: Begegnung auf der Ruckreise.... & Austro-Hungarian cruiser Helgoland. 4-stack Helgoland passing w/ smoke from stacks. 03:19:40 Intertitle: re officers & Admirals. Arriving onboard submarine; anchored naval ships, submariners cheer w/ hats. 03:20:43 Intertitle: ?? Sub approaches ship & town dock. Commander walks on deck; sailors around gun smoking & talking, reading mail. Submarine underway on surface at sunset w/ men on deck; flag & wake. 03:23:06 Title: Universal - International presents....actual sinking of merchant vessels by German sub... 03:23:33 Title: J.H. Mackzum, Knights of Columbus Secretary w/ the American Army of Occupation... MCU 03:23:50 Submarine submerging; MLS British tramp steamer underway. U-boat underway in heavy seas. 03:24:46 Germans at sub deck gun, CU freighter, MLS low in water & bow going under slowly, stern up. 03:26:08 Freighter rocking in water; gun crew fires at water line & sinking freighter w/ bow into air. 03:28:04 Three-masted sailing ship w/ sails up & submarine captain & others in crow’s nest watch it sink after men row over & put bomb in hold; rolls onto side & under. WW1; Sea Battles; Fighting; 1910s; Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: