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WWII - 1942, USA Home Front: Cavalcade of the American Merchant Marine Pt. 1 of 2

Reel Number: 250147-13-P1

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1942

Country: USA

Location: California,Massachusetts,New York City,NYC,Salem

TC Begins: 06:57:24

TC Ends: 07:07:31

Duration: 00:10:07

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Titles. Pt. 1 of 2 06:58:04 Bowsprit of large sailing ship / tall ship thru ocean waves at sea. Storm w/ waves breaking over ship deck. Men working on ropes & sails of three-masted ship in smooth sea. 06:58:54 Shipyard & construction by hand of 18th Century wooden sailing ship. Launching w/ crowd in period costumes. Various shipboard scenes during Revolutionary War period during still & storm 07:00:18 Ship onto rocks. 07:00:26 View across ocean w/ superimposed John Paul Jones, etc. 07:00:34 Two sailing ships firing on each other; fighting in rigging. Post-Revolutionary war & merchant marine. Large sailing ships. Costumed people on docks of Salem, Massachusetts; New York City; Charleston. Map of fishing banks of Nova Scotia superimposed over sailing ships. 07:01:41 Man on mast watching for whales; whales sounding / breaching. Other sea views superimposed w/ Captains. 07:02:18 Cannon firing on two-masted ship; ship burning. 07:02:39 Federalist period; Staged Congress. Gold miners panning gold. Gold rush & people on dock as ship arrived. Line of Yankee Clipper sailing ships. Sails billowing; rigged; storm & men in rigging. Views of clippers. 07:04:30 View down dock lined w/ large sailing ships; men sliding down rigging. 07:05:00 Steam vessel docks as people watch; people waving to steam ship from sailing ship. Other on open sea w/ heavy waves. 07:06:03 Men building railroad; train carrying goods. Many horses, mules & wagons crossing desert as railroad tracks laid by construction crew. 07:06:20 Montage: oil well gushing; steel mill; wheat farmer; ruined wooden ship; many docked sailing ships & at sea burning; Monitor; Merrimack & naval battle. War w/ Spain & goods transported to beach. Continued.. Merchant Marine History; 1700s; 1800s; Oceans; Sailing; Shipping; Transportation; War of 1812; Historical Footage; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of entire film (06:57:24 - 07:17:55) for per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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