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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1000-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s,1990s
Country: China,USA
Location: altus AFB,Kunming,Nevada,Oklahoma,Skunk Works,Tonopah
TC Begins: 10:10:43
TC Ends: 10:24:56
Duration: 00:14:13
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1980s - Color, USA Aviation, Military: Airlift Training; Flying Tigers; F-117A Air Force Now title sequence. 10:11:01 C-141 overhead, interior view w/ cargo pallet parachuted out of tail; from below suspended as chute opens. 10:11:26 CU sign: Airlift Training Center, Altus AFB, Oklahoma. LS cadets & buildings. Interior w/ instructor pointing to chart teaching flight engineering; foreign & American students. Computerized video learning center. 10:12:12 Ext & interior of Flight Simulator. Computerized view of plane taking off; men in C-5 & C-141 cargo simulators, moving cargos. 10:12:49 SOF student talking about learning. 10:13:07 Tarmac w/ flight training of pilot, co-pilot, navigators, flight engineers, load-masters training; planes on flight line & aerial of planes in air. Refueling. Cargo drop from inside & outside airplane. Planes on ground, taking off. 10:14:26 Illustration of WW2 USAAF Brig General Robert Scott. Talking about getting into B-17 after Pearl Harbor & to South Asia flying the hump to China in C-47. Animated map to Kunming. Japanese airmen. Flying Tigers in flight; pilots on tarmac. 10:16:45 General Claire Chennault. Scott talking to camera SOF. P-40 doing aerobatics. Stills of P-40 & Scott. Shots of P-40s on ground, in air, fighting, guns firing, tracers, planes hit. GSAP. CUs pilots. 10:20:44 Aviation Museum exhibit of Flying Tigers. 10:21:18 Illustration closing. 10:21:31 Narrator ?? talking to camera ??; makes pitch for AFN. Introduces segment of Tonapah Test Range, Nevada F-117A Stealth Fighter taking off, flying. Entrance gate to base, bus w/ AF military men arriving & into building; into plane, taxiing out of hanger. 10:22:41 37th TFW Sgt Kevin Reneau SOF to camera about working on weapons system. 10:23:20 Control tower watching take off. Colonel Tony Tolin SOF to camera; thru metal detectors for flight from Las Vegas to Tonopah. Crew checking on plane, pulling chocks, CU wheel rolling, taxiing in sunrise / sunset. 10:24:50 Title: Presented by your Air Force. Cold War; Prototype Attack Aircraft; Skunk Works; NOTE: Tolin commanded 4450th Tactical Group, 37th TFW, Tonopah, Nevada Jul87 - Aug90 NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: