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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220640-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1902,1903,1905,1908,1929,1900s,1920s,1930s
Country: France,Germany,USA
Location: LE Mans
TC Begins: 20:14:57
TC Ends: 20:19:39
Duration: 00:04:42
1900 - 1933 - Aviation Development: Early Flight & DOX Title. 20:15:03 Intertitle: “1902. The glider in which the Wright Brothers used the wing warping method for balance.” Still photograph of glider. 20:15:16 Intertitle: “1903. The first flight was made by Orville Wright... -Photograph of plane. 20:15:33 Intertitle: “After the first flights...Wilbur Wright in France in 1908.” Newspaper headlines. 20:15:56 Intertitle: “Wilbur Wright...adjusting a transporting wheel...” MCU. LS horse & two-wheel cart pulling the aircraft across the muddy field in France. 20:16:19 Intertitle: “Wilbur Wright’s plane at Le Mans...” MS two men pulling props, Wilbur Wright in bg making adjustments on aircraft motor. 20:16:38 Intertitle: “From 1905 on, the Wright machines landed on skids & were catapulted....” Inspecting rail. 20:17:01 Intertitle: “Note the styles in 1908.” Well dressed civilian & military VIPs in grandstand. 20:17:29 Intertitle: “Hauling up the weight that catapulted the plane from the rail.” Men pulling rope raising the weight up to the top of the launching tower. 20:17:53 Intertitle: “Start of the Flight, 08Aug08. Time one minute forty-six seconds.” Weight drops & plane takes off. Spectators watch; plane overhead. 20:18:20 Intertitle: 03Oct08 “Wilbur Wright goes up with French journalist remaining aloft for 55 minutes and 37 seconds. The Worlds endurance record with a passenger.” CS headlines proclaiming event. CS Wilbur & the French journalist getting onto the aircraft. Launching w/ altitude balloon visible; in flight low over field. Head on view, Wright aircraft passing overhead. 20:19:15 Intertitle: “Today passengers by the score are carried by commercial plane. The D.O.X. has flown with 169 Passengers on a single flight.” 19Oct29 MS of German DOX taxiing upon water, plane is twelve-propeller driven on six engine nacelles (pull and pusher type props). Interior of aircraft showing news cameraman taking pictures of people on maiden flight. See previous item for better shots DOX NOTE: Sold at per reel rate - may be combined w/ other complete rolls to total maximum of ten minutes.