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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220499-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s
Country: Russia,Spain,USA
TC Begins: 03:27:52
TC Ends: 03:31:23
Duration: 00:03:31
1910s - King of Spain & Tsar; Naval Ship Launching; Crashed Dirigible; Ship Unloaded; Gypsies Performing Russian Inter-title: ?? 03:28:03 Out of frame, section badly deteriorated. NOT usable. 03:28:17 Russian Inter-title: King of Spain receives a stone.?? 03:28:25 Tsar & Alfonso XIII w/ military VIPS. 03:28:33 NYC ironworkers on skyscraper placing girder. (ca 1920s) 03:28:41 Russian Inter-title: Virginia Milliard (?) names a ship ?? 03:28:47 USS 68 launched down slipway. Floating w/ bunting in harbor. 4-stacks. 03:29:11 Russian Inter-title: ??? 03:29:15 Men on bicycles & others looking at crashed dirigible among small trees. LTA on field w/ soldiers looking out of compartment windows. Dirigible nose in trees on hillside w/ military around. No markings. 03:29:34 Men unloading large burlap bags from from ship; protective crates onto backs of laborers. CU burlap bag from Java. Large crates. 03:30:19 Russian Inter-title: Gypsies under the control of the Polyakova. ?? 03:30:23 Gypsies in traditional clothes performing flamenco on stage. 03:30:27 Russian Inter-title: ?? 03:30:31 Large group of women, Gypsies walking past spectators behind fence & grandstand; men w/ guitars. 03:30:53 Gypsies on stage singing w/ several men playing guitars. Spanish Royalty; Navy Ship Launching; Ethnic; Minorities; Gypsy; Entertaining; Performance;