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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250175-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1947
Country: USA
Location: California,Muroc AFB
TC Begins: 14:33:13
TC Ends: 14:45:35
Duration: 00:12:22
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1947 - Military Experimental Aviation: Initial Flight of XP-86. 09Oct47 2R Slate: 09Oct47 XP-86, Muroc AFB, Camera: Lou?? LMS XF-86 PU-597 nose no. 559597 on ramp being towed to right; to left. 14:34:25 MS Helper & pilot on wing getting into cockpit of XF-86, canopy closed 14:35:14 LS XF-86 Sabrejet taxiing l. to r. hangers in BG. 14:35:36 LS XF-86 taking off. 14:36:12 Slate: P-80 aerials, XF-86 09/10/47 Camera: ??. LS following XF-86 in flight, circling, wheels down. 14:37:52 LS taxiiing l. to r. & taking off. 14:38:40 MLS XF-86 landing l. to r. 14:39:04 XF-86 in flight approaching lake bed & touching down for landing. 14:40:02 Rear of parked XF-86; CU nose of XF-86 (brief). Aerial of F-82 & XF-86 in flight over dry lake. XF-86 in flight, F-82 alongside. 14:42:00 XF-86 on ground w/ men around plane. 14:42:12 Leader 14:42:21 Aerial alongside XF-86 in flight w F-82 alongside. 14:42:44 MS Front view of XF-86. 14:42:54 MS XF-86 low fly past. 14:43:23 MS Enlisted man & civilians looking at XF-86. 14:43:42 Slate: ??Oct47 Cameraman Reg Lyons. MLS control tower, tilt up to XF-86 flying over. 14:44:09 MS Parked, side view of XF-86. Quarter front view; front view w/ men around plane; working. MS Refueling the XF-86. USAF; Cold War; Experimental Aircraft; NOTE: First flight on 01Oct47 by George Welch. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: