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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250136-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: DpRK,Japan,North Korea,USA
Location: Okinawa
TC Begins: 09:13:57
TC Ends: 09:25:13
Duration: 00:11:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1950s ca - USA Test Flies The Mig-15, Okinawa R1 of 2 Title. 09:14:04 MIG-15 w/ US number 616 on nose, towed on wet runway; in hanger & people looking. w/ US markings taxiing, taking off, in flight, and landing. Shown with the aircraft are: Maj. Gen. Albert Boyd, Maj. C. E. Yeager, and Capt. H. G. Collins. (Photo'd by 2nd Photo Sqdn) WE FLEW THE MIG. 1) 09:14:04 LS's high angle & CU of MIG-15 being towed on runway & stationary, B-29 in bg. MLS of MIG-15, w/ USAF insignia on it, parked in hangar w/ personnel in fg looking it over & technicians working. MLS MIG-15 being towed to right past stationary B-29. 09:15:07 CU Maj. C. E. Chuck Yeager, Maj. General Albert Boyd & Capt. H. G. "Tom" Collins standing in group talking to group of technicians. MS as MIG-15 is refueled. 09:15:54 CU INT RV cockpit of MIG-15 w/ pilot studying instruments. Men standing about on tarmac; looking at plane & demonstrating rudder; CU plugging in auxillary generator. Taxiing tests. Pilot into cockpit, US markings seen. Followed by two F-86 planes on runway & MIG taking off. 09:18:29 Aerials in flight w/ F-86. MCU in level flight from various angles. Wheels down & landing. 09:20:15 CU guns; technicians working w/ armament system on MIG-15 & demonstrating reloading w/ auxillary unit. 09:21:13 Firing on test stand. 09:21:30 Technicians looking a data books Major Boyd or Collins into cockpit, taking off. Aerials in flight from various angles. Barrel roll, circling & landing. Various views in flight w/ F-86. High angle of landing & ladder to cockpit & assisting pilot out & signing off. Talking w/ officer. The End. Cold War; Military Defector; Defection; Aircraft Testing; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: