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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250180-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
TC Begins: 02:31:35
TC Ends: 02:41:27
Duration: 00:09:52
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1951 - USA Military, Tanks: M46 & M16 Half-Tracks on Training Maneuvers. 21-23Aug51 Slate: 23Aug51 Camera Allen. Director: Petersen. LS, open field, hill in distance w/ four M46 Patton medium tanks L to R, followed by several half-tracks M16s. 02:32:23 LS open country. Tank stops in dry, tall grass. 02:32:42 Slate: same. LS, open country, four M46 tanks & several half-tracks move L. to R. 02:34:06 Slate: same. LS, field. Tanks & half-tracks moving to R. MLS, tanks, moving across open field, fire 90mm guns. Repeats. 02:35:38 Slate: same. MS, half-track moving to R across field. Slate. MS, M46 tank fires 90mm gun & moves to R. Slate. MCU, lieutenant in turret of tank looks thru binoculars, gives order into his lip microphone. 02:36:31 Slate: same. MCU, captain in turret of tank; after looking thru binoculars he gives order into microphone. Slate: MS Captain in turret of tank looks thru binoculars. 02:37:10 Slate: same. MCU muzzle of 90mm tank gun, shell is fired (to L). Repeat. 02:37:41 Slate: same. MS, two soldiers in field firing 60mm mortar. Slate: MS three M-46 tanks move to right, one at a time. A shell explodes near one of them. MS, tank moves to R and stops. LS, small dirt road and trees. Tanks cross the road to R, followed by half- tracks. LS, three tanks stop. 02:39:47 Slate: 21Aug51 Camera Youtsas . Tanks out of trees l. to r., fire guns, 02:40:53 Slate: same . MS front of M46 tank, 90mm gun pivets to the R. 02:41:11 Slate: same. MS half-track moving forward to R & firing MGs, camera pans with. Korean War Training Exercise; Armored Vehicles; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: