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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250016-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1951,1952
Country: USA
Location: California,Edwards AFB
TC Begins: 06:17:23
TC Ends: 06:25:04
Duration: 00:07:41
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1951-1952 - Color, USAF: Aircraft & Rocket Firings, Aug51-Nov52 MS two men lift rear half of rocket onto low trailer. MS trailer w/ four rocket units towed away past barracks & along road by open truck. 06:18:00 On dry lake bed, three men place rocket on makeshift wooden firing stand; man working on orange wings of rocket. 06:18:46 Rocket on lake bed in firing position. Close up expended nose / warhead of rocket on cracked mud lakebed. Rocket on stand & pan to left as rocket is fired. 06:19:13 Pan right w/ Navy XF-10-F1 taking off from runway (overexposed first half). 06:19:48 XF10F1 into view & landing. Several shots. 06:20:37 Pan to right of XF10-F1 taxiing / taking off dirt dry lake bed. 06:20:52 Series of normal & high speed shots of napalm bombs being exploded from a low stand in the desert. Marker stakes extend to the left & right from to show diameter of explosion. VERY COLORFUL. 06:22:43 High speed photography (1000 fps) of rocket launcher as multiple firings showing rockets leaving the enclosed launcher tubes. 06:23:34 Single rocket fired from small launching tube (high speed photography) w/ folding fins opening. Repeat with different exposures. 06:24:49 Multiple rocket launcher as the rockets are fired. Nose and tail-cone coverings of the launcher are jettisoned just prior to the firing. Cold War; USA Military Aviation; Ammunition; Weapons; Testing; Test firing; Experimental aircraft; NOTE: Only one / 1 Grumman XF10F-1 Jaguar was built & only flown by Corwin / Corky Meyer. It was prototype swing-wing fighter offered to U.S. Navy. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good color. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: