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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250187-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1954,1950s
Country: USA,USSR
Location: patterson aFb,wright
TC Begins: 17:18:21
TC Ends: 17:26:05
Duration: 00:07:44
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1954 - USA: MIG-15 Testing Stock Shots 21Feb54 SLATE: Motion Picture Wright Field. 21Feb54. MIG-15. 17:18:26 MS MIG-15 aircraft w/ USSR / Russian markings stationary on flight line, personnel looking over it. 17:18:39 MCU Russian insignia on MIG-15. Several identification views of MIG-15, CUs. 17:19:55 LS pan R to L w/ F-94C taxiing past & out of scene. LS pan R to L w/ MIG-15 taking off. ELS MIG-15 & F-94C flying L to R. 17:21:08 MLS pan R to L w/ two F-86D's taxiing. Camera pans back, pans w/ two more F-86Ds taxiing. LS two F-86's passing overhead R to L. 17:21:49 LS pan R to L w/ MIG-15 landing. 17:22:29 MS pilot climbing into cockpit of MIG-15. MS running toward MIG-15, pilot climbing into aircraft, scene repeated several times w/ flight line man leaving scene w/ ladder, returns, places ladder on side of aircraft, pilot prepares to get out of same. USAF; Captured Soviet Plane; Aircraft; Cold War; Post-Korean War; 1950s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: