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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250141-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA
Location: ALASKA,California,Edwards AFB,Fort Worth,holloman afb,Ladd AFB,New Mexico,Texas
TC Begins: 18:10:35
TC Ends: 18:26:56
Duration: 00:16:21
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1956 - Color, Military Aviation: F-102 Manufacture & Tests. Apr56 Titles. 18:10:54 Rocket sled replicating F-102A Edwards AFB, California, installing ejection seat & dummy;animation simulating sled run & pointing out the operating parts; installation of seat & dummy continues. 18:11:45 Installation of solid fuel rocket onto the sled. Quick shots of control room & camera equipment & several angles of actual sled run w/ ejection & parachute of pilot emergency escape system. 18:13:45 Title: F-102B MOCKUP. CU's of sections of ext. & int. of mockup taken during a meeting of the Mockup Board at Convair, San Diego, Dec55. Shows demonstration of side control & seat ejection (hoisting). 18:15:27 Title: EDWARDS AFB, CALIFORNIA. TF-102A TRAINER. TF-102A taking off to right. Air to air in flight. 18:16:03 Ext. of Convair, Forth Worth building. Int. & manufacture of TF-102A nose section; at Convair, San Diego, showing manufacture of wing & fuselage section & mating of the two. 18:16:56 TF-102A towed on ramp at Edwards AFB. 18:17:05 Front view, ECU FV cockpit, INT of cockpit, MS & 3/4 left SV. 18:17:19 Student & instructor (at right) in cockpit as canopy is lowered. TF-102A taxiing left, then taking off to right. Aerial of TF-102A in flight to right, then to the left. POV banking left; LS following TF-102A in for landing -- taxiis w/ chute extended. 18:18:40 Title: Armament. Holloman AFB, New Mexico. Rocket Air to Air type MB-1. Hoisting rocket sections onto test stand, assemblying on fuselage of F-102, belly side up, & firing w/ shots of blockhouse / control room & electronics. Slow motion (1000 fps) firing & inspection of test fuselage. 18:20:32 Mounting of rocket under F-102 & taking off w/ exterior MB-1 rocket. Plane posed w/ rocket load. 18:21:30 Title: Facilities, Palmdale, California. Aerials of Convair Voltain area w/ main & temporary hangars built over runway. 18:22:10 MS ground camera looking thru two hangars of production flight test area where the final production flight testing & AF acceptance is accomplished. Construction of permanent installation. 18:23:03 Title: San Diego, California. Dump truck & pouring concrete for construction of F-102 field operations area & flyaway station. 18:24:11 Title: Ladd Air Force Base, Alaska. Cold Weather Tests. CU sign: ladd Air Force Base - America’s Fartherest North. 18:24:25 MCU snow being cleared from F-102A. Pilot, Captain Tracy B. Mathewson from WADC, seated in cockpit; aircraft taxiing & takeoff to right. Air to air from above of F-102A in flight over snow-covered mountains & firing of 2" rockets. Fly-by to right & landing to the right w/ chute deployed. The End Convair; General Dynamics; Cold War; Fighter Jet Aircraft; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: