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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1331-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1958,1950s,1960s
Country: Guam,USA
Location: Anderson AFB,Guam
TC Begins: 16:18:02
TC Ends: 16:27:36
Duration: 00:09:34
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1958 - Color, Cold War, USAF: B-47s on Alert, Crewmen To Planes & Onto Runway. Jan58 Slate: Camera Sylvester; Guam. Airmen run out from Quonset huts & board wagon w/ sign: Flight Line Taxi as it pulls away. 16:18:17 Interior. Crew members in alert shack reading, playing cards, etc. stopping, running past camera. 16:19;00 MCU sign on right side of doorway in capital letters: Turn in the following items: Personal Papers; Driver’s License; Club Memberships; Photographs; Rings w/ Identifying Insignias; Credit Cards; Military Orders; Auto Registration; Theater Ticket Stubs; Advertisements or Book Matches; Any Other Items That Might Or Would Be Of Informational Value To The Enemy. 16:19:10 Slate: same. Roll 3. POV along center line down heavily tire-marked runway. Aerial of island coastline. 16:19:41 POV of aircraft landing on Guam runway. 16:20:16 Black. 16:21:24 High angle / HA LS along taxi strip of ground & air crew members riding motor scooters & running to B-47's parked in alert areas. 16:21:47 CU hand flipping B-47 ignition start switches. CU of hand flipping on surface power hydraulic control switches for elevator & rudder, left and right ailerons. CU left of six engine throttles being advanced. 16:22:10 CUs co-pilot in cockpit putting on helmet & oxygen mask. 16:22:32 MS Rear view of B-47 moving from taxi strip onto runway, makes a left turn, starting takeoff run. 16:23:06 B-47 flying l. to r. above & thru clouds. Island in distance below. 16:23:35 Slate: same. Roll 5. AF motion picture cameraman lying w/ camera on front wind-shield of B-47. 16:23:41 Andersen AFB, Guam control tower & MCU windows on top. 16:24:02 MCU B-47 on alert pad pilot & co-pilot visible in cockpit; third crew member climbs ladder into aircraft. CU B-47 taxiing past camera l. to r. on runway, second B-47 then taxis from strip onto ruway in bg. 16:24:21 Slate: 28Jan58. Camera: Craigie. Roll 7. MS & CU pilot drawing cup of coffee from urn in alert -- shack, then quickly setting the cup down. (dark) 16:24:35 Low altitude aerial of B-47's moving onto runway beginning of an alert. 16:25:18 Slate: Camera: Sylvester. Roll 1 MS rear of man in outdoor shower. B-47 in bg, man stops & pulls on coveralls, another runs out of toilet as alert is sounded. 16:25:47 Sign: Dining Hall & Recreation, men run out. View past Flight Line Taxi & crew members run out of alert shack & board. 16:26:26 Slate: Camera: Craigie, R6. CU Feet out of alert shack; MCU crew members rushing out. CU door to airmen's barracks w/ sign. Door opens suddenly & airmen rush out toward & past camera. GOOD. 16:26:52 ECU of heavy-set Captain eating sandwich, he turns suddenly & leaves scene. 16:27:03 CU of man's leg pushing down kick starter on motor scooter. MS to ECU man seated on motor scooter in front of Quonset hut; second man out, jumps on & past camera left. Several scenes of pilots and ground crew boarding motor scooters outside alert shack and leaving, two men riding each scooter. Cold War; SAC; Nuclear Weapons; Military; Waiting; Alerts; Bathing; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: