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1958 - Color, Cold War, USAF: SAC B-47s on Alert, Readied & Take Off; Guamanians Watch. Jan58

Reel Number: H1331-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1958,1950s,1960s

Country: Guam,USA

Location: Anderson AFB,Guam

TC Begins: 16:11:05

TC Ends: 16:17:49

Duration: 00:06:44

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1958 - Color, Cold War, USAF: B-47s on Alert, Readied & Take Off; Guamanians Watch. Jan58 MS High angle / HA tilt up w/ B-47 starting takeoff run (brief). HA left SV w/ B-47 starting takeoff run, r. to l. 16:11:39 Grove of palm trees, beach & ocean in bg. Pan w/ B-47 l. to r. overhead. 16:11:52 B-47 taxiis past camera r. to l. Pan left w/ B-47 starting takeoff run, black exhaust smoke. 16:12:18 HA CU pilot closing B-47 canopy, parked in alert area. CU above of pilot in cockpit w/ canopy open, fastening chute straps & seat belt. CU pilot putting on helmet & oxygen mask. ECU of pilot's face as he fastens oxygen mask. ECU pan left w/ pilot's hand advancing throttle. 16:13:20 Aerial of B-47 banking left w/ Anderson AFB, on Guam / island in background. MLS B-47 flies thru L. to R. View of island & up to B-47. 16:13:39 CU removal of exterior power cable plugs from B-47. CU removal of safety locks from landing gears hydraulic piston. CU ground crewman's hand opening liquid oxygen valves then securing access hatch. 16:14:07 Slate: Alert Area, Cameraman: Craigie. MLS five crewmen playing horseshoes, three B-47s parked in bg; men suddenly drop horseshoes & run toward aircraft. Pans w/ three airmen running. 16:14:32 CU two crewmen w/ horseshoe, suddenly run out of frame. HA, pan right with three crew members and crew chief riding on three motor scooters to B-47 on alert pad; stop & run to aircraft, prepare to start it. 16:15:09 LS of parked B-47. 16:15:15 Slate 25Jan58. Cameraman: Craigie. Roll 2. MS crew chief running to & starting APU next to B-47, removing chocks from front wheels. MS left Low Angle / LA B-47 cockpit of B-47, 2 takes pilot climbs into seat from within aircraft, puts on helmet. 16:16:01 MS RV two B-47 crewmen climb ladder into aircraft & crew chief pushes ladder up, closes hatch. 16:16:23 Slate: Cameraman: M/Sgt. M.W. Sylvester. Guam. Director Capt. Jung. Roll 8. MS pan left w/ B-47 starting climb from runway. MLS to CU B-47 starting to climb from runway. Other shots & other distances. Heavy black smoke pours from engines on final plane. 16:16:48 Flash slate, no info. MCU HA, POV toward gesturing ground crewman moving backwards on flight line, giving signals for rolling / taxiing aircraft & makes a left turn onto taxi strip. 16:17:10 Young native girl standing in a clearing, looking at the sky two water buffalo are tethered in bg. 16:17:27 Four native boys playing / swimming / splashing in shallow water off beach w/ house in palm trees. they stop playing & look toward sky. Cold War; SAC; Nuclear Weapons; Military; Recreation; Games; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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