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Go to HomepageReel Number: H2052-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1961,1960s
Country: East Germany,Germany,USA,West Germany
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 05:16:15
TC Ends: 05:19:14
Duration: 00:02:59
1959 - Cold War, Germany: Friedrichstrasse Border Crossing & Civilians & Army Tour Buses. 24Aug61 Slate: 24Aug61. LSs, East German police standing by armored water truck; watching w/ binoculars. Empty lots beside street. LSs, East German police standing near barricade. 05:16:33 Civilians on scooters arrived past M-48 tank parked in street near Friedrichstrasse border crossing; present papers to West German police & waved across; wait behind car to be checked by East Germans who also let them go & they go around barricade. Buick coming from East Germany. 05:17:19 Slate: same. MS, East German civilian painting barricade rail. East German police nearby, seen from across concrete blocks & barbed wire. 05:17:46 M-48 tank parked; West German police standing. 05:17:53 LS, Military policeman / MP standing w/ rifle on second floor of a bombed-out building. MCU West German police stopping car, US soldier crossing street & watching behind. Sign in background: You Are Leaving The American Sector... 05;18:09 Slate: same. US soldiers w/ rifles & machine guns out of back of army truck. MS, soldier in turret of M-48 tank reading copy of New York Times. Women looking out of second floor apartment windows behind. 05:18:41 MS, US military / army tour buses going thru checkpoint. LS, buses going thru East German checkpoint. Divisions; Berlin Wall Beginnings; 1960s; Street Scenes; Daily Life; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. If requested may combine w/ other complete rolls to total maximum 10 minutes for per reel rate.