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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250213-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950s,1959
Country: USA
Location: California,Edward AFB
TC Begins: 22:59:16
TC Ends: 23:10:59
Duration: 00:11:43
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1959 - Color, Cold War, USAF: B-52G Views, Maintenance, Landings. Jun-Aug59 View from B-52G: cockpit, tarmac, sky, large snow capped mountains, clouds 23:01:19 B-52G undergoing engine maintenance, fueling. 23:01:59 750-pound bombs lowered onto bomb cradles; LS along row of bombs on cradles on tarmac. 23:03:11 Bombs pulled by hand to B-52G bomb bay & loaded aboard aircraft. 23:04:31 Technicians in cherry-picker servicing B-52G rudder controls on vertical stabilizer, no 76469. 23:04:49 Slate: 08Jul59 Camera Richard. Various shots of working on bomber on tarmac. 23:05:44 CU hand pointing out flight pattern / route on map. 23:05:52 B-52 landing, l to r. & drag parachute deployed, pan w/ plane. GOOD. 23:06:46 Slate: B-52G Lndg 02Jul59. Camera C. Zaccardi. Landing B-52, as before. 23:07:41 Maintenance on B-52G w/ tower behind; MS & CUs. 23:09:31 Slate: B-52G 30Jul59 Camera G. Boylan. CU nose of plane w/ Air Force Flight Test Center on insignia. Crew beside plane. Crew walking to plane. Men beside maintenance shack. Crew to plane. CU nose: ARDC Air Force Flight Test Center. Cold War; 1950s; Aircraft; Bombers; NOTE: 193 B-52Gs built, first rolled out in 1958. NOTE: Entire sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: