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1959 - USA Military: Army Pathfinder Team Training Film

Reel Number: 250207-06

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s,1959,1960s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 10:57:36

TC Ends: 11:26:53

Duration: 00:29:17

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1959 - USA Military: Army Pathfinder Team Training Film Titles. 10:57:55 8 Sikorsky H-19 helicopters low over treetops intercut w/ soldiers on ground beside antenna pole; aerial POV above & behind. CU soldiers talking on radiophone. MCU pilot & co-pilot in helicopter in flight; LS many landing on large open field setting up for single engine plane to land & unload; dropping supplies by parachute into drop zones. Troops out of helicopters; others setting up drop zone. 10:59:04 MS Pathfinder Unit Commander giving warning order; mission leader making notes, maps shown & officer giving field briefing. In jeep saluting; in field entire team briefed around relief map on tabletop w/ models, pointer & labels. 11:01:34 Helicopters low over trees; fixed wing planes & troops jumping out, parachutes descend & soldiers place markers, antenna on pole during rehearsal operation. Pathfinder Teams beside Army helicopters briefed & board, take off. Troops inside helicopter, CU holding geiger counter; helicopters arriving, landings, troops off; helicopters leave. Control Center sets up, helicopters leave & soldiers run thru woods. 11:04:13 Helicopter landing & troops off to set up landing sites, check for radiation. 11:04:42 CU pilots in helicopter, POV sighting trucks on road; helicopter arrives, party sets up & marks landing sites w/ numbered panels; radio set up & trees hung w/ warning markers. Ground to air radio set up; long range ground to ground radio w/ antenna set up. Men note wind readings; homing beacon set up; visual marker & ground to ground backpack radio set up. Arriving pilots in flight & instructions given / received. Many soldiers on radios; others w/ binoculars; helicopters arriving & flares released. Aerials of smoke rising. Helicopters guided to landing & troops run off to assembly area; helicopters lift off. 11:11:22 Second series of helicopters arriving & troops off; leaving as troops run into woods & across concrete bridge. Repeats. 11:12:17 CU placing color lanterns for night landings; lanterns seen; signalman w/ flashlights guiding H-19s. Night w/ rotating beacon; color flares fired, pilots sighting ground lights & signaling. 11:14:00 Aerial from in front & above of 6 fixed wing small aircraft. Soldiers laying out runway in field w/ hand signals. Panels placed for start, edges & end of runway. Brush cut & removed; red panels hung on tree & taxiways marked. Control Center set up w/ radio & antenna. Arriving planes in air; CU pilots & MS of planes. Soldier on walkie-talkie. Soldiers watching landing, signaling to parking area, troops out & into woods; plane guided to runway; taking off. 11:19:38 Setting up lanterns & lights for night landing; unloading onto Mechanical Mule / platform / cart. Take off. Explaining & operating drop zone. Aerial of column of planes approaching drop zone; watching drop from ground, from air. Lights set up for night drop zone; aerial of lights & drops. Summary pictures. Pathfinder Team Mission; Navigational Guidance; Operational Units. 1950s; 1960s; Air Mobile Operations Training film; CIA; Central Intelligence Agency Training; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good quality & activity. FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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