NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
1960 - Korea: Mig-15 bis To South Korea. 03Aug60
R1 USAF airmen around plane, no 241; CU MIG-15 bis airplane, gun barrel, ammunition, pilot. CUs.
08:45:22 end
08:45:34 R2 MCU Saluting South Korean officers, LS of large group; MS pinning bars; giving award / degree / certificate; saluting. Speaking into microphone.
08:47:46 end
08:47:52 R3 MS Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-15 bis aircraft. CUs w/ North Korean insignia & no. 241 in muddy field w/ USAF airmen & pilot inspecting plane, into cockpit, taxiing & taking off from dusty field. People watching.
Cold War; Military Defector; Defection;
NOTE: 08:41:17 - 08:55:08 Sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1960 - Korea: Mig-15 bis To South Korea. 03Aug60 R1 USAF airmen around plane, no 241; CU MIG-15 bis airplane, gun barrel, ammunition, pilot. CUs. 08:45:22 end 08:45:34 R2 MCU Saluting South Korean officers, LS of large group; MS pinning bars; giving award / degree / certificate; saluting. Speaking into microphone. 08:47:46 end 08:47:52 R3 MS Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-15 bis aircraft. CUs w/ North Korean insignia & no. 241 in muddy field w/ USAF airmen & pilot inspecting plane, into cockpit, taxiing & taking off from dusty field. People watching. Cold War; Military Defector; Defection; NOTE: 08:41:17 - 08:55:08 Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: