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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250107-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1961,1960s
Country: USA
Location: Nebraska,Offutt AFB
TC Begins: 20:00:00
TC Ends: 20:09:55
Duration: 00:09:55
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1961 - Color, Military Aviation, USA: SAC Command Post, Offutt AFB. Apr61 MLS FV of Atlas Rocket w/ Mark III nose cone being erected from horizontal positon in assembly shed . MS right FV of propellant tank -- shows US Air Force Atlas / Mark III being erected in coffin-type launcher in bg. MS Atlas/Mark III starting to lower after erection. 20:01:49 Slate: SAC Command Post. MLSs & MSs of Wullenweber antenna & V-shaped UHF antenna on pole. 20:02:49 Slate: same. LS high angle of Atlas/Mark III being erected in coffin-type launcher & lowered. 20:03:30 SAC Headquarters lobby w/ display case, SAC insignia inlaid in floor; three SAC Elite Guards at counter checking civilian credentials & passes. MS & CU. 20:04:45 Slate: same. MLS high angle of men in electric platform hoist changing data on wall charts in Operations Map Room. HA Color TV cameras from track & floor pedestal in fg. 20:05:40 Slate: same. MCU of remotely controlled color TV camera TK-41 moving along track; pan right to military man changing chart information. 20:06:09 Slate: Same. MS Atlas erected in front of SAC Headquarters Building, Offutt AFB, zoom in to main entrance of building, multiple shots. 20:09:11 Slate: illegible, Johnson Camera. CU sign: HEADQUARTERS STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND -- PEACE IS OUR PROFESSION -- pan left to 0ffutt AFB entrance as vehicles enter. Cold War; Military; USAF; 1960s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: