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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250221-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1962,1960s
Country: Cuba,USA
Location: California,OXNARD AFB
TC Begins: 14:15:52
TC Ends: 14:23:53
Duration: 00:08:01
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1962 - Color, Cold War: SAC Operations, Oxnard, California Slate: Secret. 25Oct62. Camera J. Schaefer. Roll 4. Oxnard AFB. 14:15:53 B-47 crew members giving aircraft preflight check. CU 15 rockets. 14:17:03 Sentry patrolling in front of B-47. 14:17:17 CU nose of B-47 No. 0462. CU entry ladder. View past plane to sign at Oxnard AFB. 14:17:53 Flash slate: same. LS flight line w/ row of B-47s; activity around planes & airmen performing flight line maintenance of B-47's. B-47 navigator inspecting bomb bay. Ground crew servicing B-47 w/ liquid oxygen. 14:21:36 LS of planes on tarmac; sentry. Ground crew servicing plane. Liquid oxygen & trailer w/ tank pulled away from plane. 14:23:28 LS of tarmac & planes. Cold War; Air Force; USAF; Strategic Air Command; Oxnard AFB; Cuban Missile Crisis; Preparedness; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: