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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250221-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1962,1960s
Country: Cuba,USA
Location: Florida,Homestead AFB
TC Begins: 14:41:45
TC Ends: 14:52:31
Duration: 00:10:46
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1962 - Color, Cold War: TAC Operations, Homestead AFB. Oct 62 HA LS many planes parked on wet tarmac, from tower showing F-100s, F-102s, C-47, C-54, C-123, C-130s & HU-16. 14:42:51 Airmen loading boxes of rockets onto dolly. 14:43:06 Two landing aircraft taxiing w/ drag parachutes. 14:43:31 Sentry patrolling at base of tower. MCU. Men attaching fins to large rockets w/ planes in background. Moving crates of rockets onto dolly. CU markings: explosive not drop. F-102 taxiing in bg. 14:45:11 Tower w/ plane in front: Tail marking 61495; fuselage FC-495. 14:45:19 CU airman w/ handlebar mustache. 14:45:25 Two F-100 planes taking off; two more take off. 14:45:50 AF cars entering thru gate past sentry; airmen arrive in civilian convertible, identification checked - CUs. 14:46:30 CU sign: Category II Restricted Area...Patrolled by Arrmed Guards & Vicious Sentry Dogs. 14:46:39 Equipment w/ bulldozer; plane landing w/ drag parachute. 14:46:54 Airmen in motor pool working on pickup trucks, MCUs. Long line of trucks. 14:47:41 Opa-Locka Gate guard post, vehicles entering & leaving. 14:48:13 C-133 taking off r. to l. F-100 taking off. C-124 landing/ GOOD. 14:50:10 Brig General Robert W. Hall (APCS) & party arriving by C-54, off plane, greeted. CUs. Drive off. 14:51:07 CU Homestead Air Force Base on steps to plane. 14:51:16 Steps to plane & military VIPs off & greeted (second camera). 14:52:26 Tail markings: Rescue, 0-49073. Flight Line Activity; Daily Activity; Military Aviation; Airplanes; Air Force; Cuban Missile Crisis; USAF; NOTE: User must determine correct plane type. NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: