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1962, Color, USA Military AF: Swift Strike II, South Carolina. 30Jul-18Aug62 R1 of 4

Reel Number: 250140-06

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1962

Country: Cuba,USA,USSR


TC Begins: 16:42:05

TC Ends: 16:52:17

Duration: 00:10:12

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1962, Color, USA Military AF: Swift Strike II, South Carolina. 30Jul-18Aug62 R1 of 4 Flash slate: Cameraman: Bloodworth. n.d. LS low angle, three C-119's in V formation dropping paratroopers to left. MLS of paratrooper descending w/ general purpose bag swinging below & impact into farm crops. LS others descending & C-130's in flight to left dropping paratroopers of 101st Airborne Division. CU paratrooper unfastening chute harness & assembling M-14 rifle. 16:43:29 Combat-ready troops of 101st AB, one w/ bazooka toward camera, others walk along fence. 2 medics carry injured paratrooper out of field on stretcher. 16:43:45 LS pan F-100 w/ wing tanks flying by to left. Paratrooper descending, woods in bg. Partrooper towards camera -- woods in bg. 16:44:09 Slate. same. 16:44:10 LS to MS, two UH-1B in flight low over field. MCU Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara & General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, out of UH-1B walking across field & onto platform on trailer. MS of Gen Paul Dewitt Adams, Commander US Strike Command, talking to Mr. NcNamara and Gen Lemnitzer. 16:45:03 Review stand w/ Lemnitzer, Admiral R. L. Dennison, Mr. Roswell L. Gilpatric, Deputy Secy of Defense and Glen Adams watch three C-119's making paratroop drop. 16:46:08 Front & rear view MCU of Aggressor officer at drop zone as paratroops descend. 16:46:24 VIPs leave review platform, MP in fg. 16:46:30 MS of VC-140B taxiing at Shaw AFB, ramp lowering & Mr. McNamara, Mr. Gilpatric, Gen Lemnitzer & Gen Adams alighting, talking w/ lieutenant colonel of aggressor force; walking to & boarding UH-1B, take off. MCU of VC-140B window. 16:48:09 LS sign: HEADQUARTERS 9Th AIR FORCE WELCOME TO SHAW, HOME OF TACTICAL RECON USA. 16:48:17 Flash slate: same. Combat ready troops move out of cover, cross field & set up machine gun at edge of cotton field; then move it to another position in field. 16:49:14 MCU General Curtis E. LeMay w/ Gen Adams & Gen Walter C. Sweeney, Jr. 16:49:27 LS of three C-130's in V formation dropping paratroops in flight to right, inter-cut w/ rear & front view of review stand; dropping cargo w/ one chute not open, drops rapidly to the ground. Cargo drop, aggressors stand in fg. 16:50:19 Flash slate: same. LS low angle of C-130's dropping cargo, MS chutes descending on road & collapsing followed by C-130's dropping paratroops in two sets of three each, sky filled w/ parachutes. 16:51:13 MS two aggressor force paratroops assembling rifle & running to battle area. More drop into cotton field, get gear & out of field. Air Force Military Training; 82nd AB; Cold War; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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