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1962, Color, USA Military AF: Swift Strike II, South Carolina. 30Jul-18Aug62 R3 of 4

Reel Number: 250140-07

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1962

Country: USA


TC Begins: 16:52:20

TC Ends: 17:02:05

Duration: 00:09:45

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1962, Color, USA Military AF: Swift Strike II, South Carolina. 30Jul-18Aug62 R3 of 4 MCU Ground crewmen stepping back from camera, giving aircraft forward signal. MLS C-133 taxiing right, turning & taxiing to stop as directed. C-135B taxiis past. 16:53:29 MS RV of C-133B, cargo doors open, extension ramps placed & truck rolling down. CU of tires. 16:54:20 Flash slate: N.D. Operation Swift Strike II, Camera: Simmons. Aggressors in field in prone position firing rifles; ECU machine gun being fired, firing rifles. 16:55:17 LS aggressors, truck w/ water tank trailer past, down road. Aggressor jeep w/ mounted 30 caliber machine gun pulls under tree, gunner firing as jeep driver looks thru binoculars, CU of gunner's face. 16:55:53 MS & MCU FV four aggressors in prone positions firing machine guns, feeding rounds of ammo into gun, & firing M-1 rifles -- farm house in bg. 16:56:22 Flash slate: same. MS & MCU aggressor set up mortar. 16:56:43 POV past aggressors along dirt road carrying rifles & bazookas. 16:56:57 Camouflaged soldier of 101st Airborne on phone under camouflage netting w/ 105mm howitzer emplacement sighting, aiming,. 16:58:05 Command post in woods w/ officers looking at map of area & marking changes on board 16:58:16 Flash slate: same. MS & MCU of two aggressors showing machine gun to small boys in field, one boy wearing aggressor helmet. CU of boy. MLS pan left along woods to camouflaged equipment including self propelled howitzer with gun turreting & CU of aggressor gunner, CU of ammo fed into machine guns. 16:59:32 101st Airborne personnel load howitzers, fire machine gun from position under tree; MCU's of gun bursts. LS aggressor troops & convoy on a road. 17:00:09 Flash slate: same. Cameraman: McGuinn. LS two UH-1Bs in flight over farm crops. 17:00:20 MLS Secretary of Defense McNamara & General Lemnitzer out & taking places on review stand. 17:00:46 MCU large map showing maneuver area of Swift Strike II on easel. MLS of VIPs in stand. CU of pointer pinpointing area around Sumter. 17:01:09 MS Mr. Gilpatric, Adm Dennison, Gen Adams & Robert McNamara watching three C-119's in flight to left dropping paratroopers followed by another set of three. 17:01:31 MS of Gen Lemnitzer & Brigadiar General of 101st AB talking w/ McNamara during paradrop. 17:01:54 MS VIPs boarding UH-1B w/ brief MCU of Robert McNamara & Gen Lemnitzer in helicopter. MS of UH-1B taking off to left. Air Force Military Training; 82nd AB; Cold War; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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