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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1883-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1962,1963
Country: Iran,USA
Location: Californi|,Fort Bragg,Monterey,North Carolina
TC Begins: 02:08:46
TC Ends: 02:18:12
Duration: 00:09:26
R2 of 3 CU closing book, title: A Psychological Warfare Casebook, 02:08:59 Sign: Psychological Operations In Support Of Unconventional Warfare. Lecturer at podium to class, CUs listening. More discussion between lecturer & students. “You must know how to do without.” 02:10:26 Sign on tree: Introduction to Special Forces Communications And Equipment. Class under trees w/ instructor & large charts showing how to put together communicating equipment, CUs, putting up antenna, 02:11:11 Army helicopter overhead & man rappels down rope to ground. Others. First aid class in field; setting traps for food / game; booby traps; 8 Special Forces crossing water in raft; scuba diving lesson & training w/ rubber raft. 02;13:02 Setting up & firing 3.5 rocket electrically; fired against fuel drum, CU detonator turned, explosion. 02:13:35 Fireplace & Allied officers talking. In field w/ rifles, paratroopers out of plane seen from above; staff watch descent from ground. Landing & grabbing rifles & gathering parachutes. 02:15:23 Group planning field exercise in woods to ambush convoy; convoy passing in column on road & explosive set off falling tree across road. Firing machine guns & rifles during simulated ambush, gather weapons & back into woods. 02;17:04 Paul Wineman packing suitcase at end of course. Looking at map to find Iran then points to Monterey, California & language school. CU finger. Cold War; Military training; Propaganda; 1962; 1963; 1960s; Green Berets;