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1968 - Afghanistan, Kabul Military Parade, 23Aug68

Reel Number: 220510-09

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1968

Country: Afghanistan

Location: Kabul

TC Begins: 01:55:31

TC Ends: 02:03:08

Duration: 00:07:37

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1968 - Afghanistan, Kabul Military Parade, 23Aug68 Slate 23Aug58. Kabul, Afghanistan. Camera: C.J. Cahill. 01:55:34 Soviet / Russian built jeeps & trucks in military parade. Afghan officials, guests, diplomats, military attaches & wives on reviewing stand. 01:56:23 Russian built “ Guideline “ SA-2s (SAM) missiles on transporter, missile containers - military vehicles / scout cars - armoured personnel carriers. Russian built T-54 tanks in parade. 01:57:38 Slate: same. Tanks passed (brief) King Mohammad Zahir Shah out of building & into open top Daimler Hooper royal limousine & leaving w/ wife past reviewing stand. GOOD. 01:58:15 Slate: 23Aug68 Band in Afghanistan. Camera SSgt Hal Smith. 01:58:20 More military parade with BTR-50’s tracked APC towing radar - SAM missiles on transporter. Missile carriers & tanks. 01:59:17 Afghan military band marching. Locals men & boys watch parade. 01:59:40 Slate: same. Afghan troops in trucks past; airborne troops in trucks past. 02:00:12 Aircraft in flypast. Amphibious tracked personnel carrier / prime mover communication trucks - GA2-69 trucks w/ Snapper anti-tank missiles & truck mounted rocket launchers. 02:01:31 VIPs on review stand looking bored. 02:01:41 Slate: same. King w/ motorcycle escort arrives at reviewing stand - guests in review stand applaud. 02:02:23 Leaflets drop from Afghan AF Mi-4 Hound helicopters. Afghan army colour guard & marching troops in parade. Military Review; Royalty; Middle East; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Excellent quality & Colour. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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