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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1000-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970s,1980s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 11:08:24
TC Ends: 11:14:25
Duration: 00:06:01
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Cold War; 1970s - Color, USA Military Weapons: A-10 Assembly, Fitting With M-61A1 Gun System High angle / HA of Northrop YA-9 on tarmac pushed back by tractor; ground shots w/ men around plane & protective covering on canopy. 11:09:13 Black. 11:09:16 Fairchild A-10 towed from hanger as door is raised, US flag hanging inside hanger. 11:09:34 CU front of parked A-10; H/A 11:10:08 Black. 11:10:19 Title: Mating of wing/fuselage. HA interior of YA-10 factory assembly area; CU & MCU of wing raised into place, MS men working & pan & tilt MS of various details; moving engine by overhead hoist; men working on scaffolding around plane. CU moving engine. 11:12:02 Men guiding tail assembly into place w/ remote controls of overhead hoist. Assembling. HA of entire plane under assembly. 11:12:49 Title: Installation of M-61A1 Gun System. MCU 20mm gatling gun system on chassis, pan mechanisms & hydraulic lines & nose area of YA-10. Views from beneath mounted in place; six barrels installed, CUs. USAF Weapons; Aircraft; Defense Industry; NOTE: M-61A1 was fitted on both YA-9 & YA-10 for trials. It was also used on F-16 & other aircraft.. NOTE: Entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: