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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1005-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1972,1973
Country: USA
Location: California,Edwards AFB
TC Begins: 09:36:38
TC Ends: 10:09:06
Duration: 00:32:28
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1972 ca - Color, USA Aviation: A-9A Test Flights. 10Aug72 Slate: 10Aug72 Camera: Oswalt A9A #367. CU alongside as single bombs released. 06:41:56 MS landing from chase plane alongside. GOOD. 06:42:10 Leader 06:42:25 Aerial from below & slightly to rear in steady flight against blue sky. A9A #368 09:47:33 (continued shot) begins firing ?? (20mm guns ??) 09:48:21 Approx. same location alongside & slightly lower 09:52:43 (continued shot) begins firing ?? similar to 09:47:33. 09:53:05 Leader 09:53:27 Slate: 30Aug72 A-9A #867 11-BDU-33, 1 MK-8, 60 DPG. Camera: Rice. 09:53:32 CU tail A-9A & 11367 numbers. MCU front of plane from slightly behind wing w/ rockets / bombs under wings. LS w/ clouds behind & below. 09:56:01 From behind w/ A-9A diving at desert mountains 09:56:25 MS A-9A turning sharply & diving, straightening & dive continuing. 09:58:49 Continuation, banked dive 09:59:34 LS from behind of diving A-9A, pulling up. MS closer over desert moiuntains. 10:01:08 Closer & lower, diving continued (darker). 10:01:31 Closer from left rear diving (right side of plane lighted against dark background.) Exposure adjusted 10:03:42 Alongside A-9A 11367, r. to l. 10:03:54 L. to R. CU of bomb / rocket marked 42 under wing. 10:04:07 Leader 10:04:29 LS of diving A-9A seen from belly side w/ bomb or rocket released from left wing end. 10:06:04 CU of view under wing of weapon in hanger, other hangers empty. 10:07:17 Black 10:07:30 MLS A-9A diving l. to r. w/ desert mountains behind. Bomb slowly falling away 10:09:06 CU under right wing, one bomb on hanger under wing. Slate: illegible. Cold War; Prototype Attack Aircraft; Attack Experimental / A-X Program; Design Competition; YA-9; NOTE: Information received suggests it may include: A-9A flight tests with 20mm gun firing, drop of BDU-33 practice bombs, MK-82 bombs, BLU-1B and BLU-27 napalm, drop of CBU-67 (cluster bombs), SUU-25 flares, and fuel tanks. NOT VERIFIED. NOTE: Two YA-9 planes developed under contract but lost competition w/ YA-10 as announced 18Jan73. YA-10 entered production as A-10 Thunderbolt II. NOTE: Any continuous 17 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: