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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250012-11
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1976
Country: USA
Location: Arizona,Gila Bend Gunnery Range,Luke AFB
TC Begins: 01:13:03
TC Ends: 01:29:13
Duration: 00:16:10
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1976 - Color, USAF Exhibition: Gunsmoke ‘76 aka Gun Smoke ‘76 Montage of aircraft in flight: F-16, roll-over; ?? in roll-over; F-15 w/ twin-tail. Formation of F-16 l. to r. A-10 Warthog r. to l. firing weapons, hitting tank w/ good flash. 01:13:37 Title. 01:13:45 NATO Military chiefs & civilian VIPs on viewing stand, Gila Bend Gunnery Range, Luke AFB, Arizona. F-4 Phantom & F-16 Fighting Falcon planes low over desert doing tight turn for comparison. VIPs watch w/ binoculars. MCU F-16 rolling over & doing split-S from 3000 ft. Narrator describes capabilities, power & survivability as plane climbs, turns & banks diving low. 01:17:38 Aerial following RF-4C (Phantom II used for Reconnaissance in Operation Dark Gene) diving low across desert, flyby. Aerial alongside w/ laser-guided bomb beneath, releasing / dropping & hitting targets w/ explosions. GOOD. 01:18:36 Aerial of F-111 Aardvark fighter bomber; following & alongside as it drops a nuclear-like training device which explodes deep underground. Good explosion. 01:19:12 Two camouflage painted F-5 “aggressors” taking off r. to l. followed by two F-15 Eagle Superiority; aerials of F-5 aircraft attacking F-15s. F-15s able to chase F-5s. 01:20:26 F-105 Wild Weasel, two leading F-4s against simulated SAM missile site. F-105 firing cannons to draw fire & F-4s each drop six Mark 82s - good explosions. Second flight drops more Mark 82s. 01:21:52 Aerials of two A-7D aircraft in flight for bombing run, each releasing two Mark 84 against reveted gun site w/ explosions. 01:22:48 Two F-111 lead two F-4C on pathfnder mission. Many bombs falling, pan w/ explosions. RF-4C guiding two A-7 Corsair aircraft to target & drop 2000 lb bombs on bridge target w/ large explosion. 01:23:57 Three F-100s dropping four Mark 82 Snakeye /Snake Eye bombs, explosions; then fire 20mm cannon on strafing run. Aerial close ups & ground shot hitting target. 01:24:41 A-10 attack aircraft, following two firing maverick missiles hitting tank targets. 8 Mark 82 general purpose bombs dropped by a third A-10 w/ large explosion. 30mm cannon fired at armored targets. GOOD. 01:25:59 Aerials of F-15 doing aerobatic maneuvers w/ landing gear up & lowered. Doing climb & roll w/ afterburner. Following & aerial MS & CU doing loop. 01:29:07 End titles USAF Exhibition; Military Hardware; Cold War; Training Exercise; Air Force Propaganda; 1970s; Note: Entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: