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1978 - Color, President Carter w/ President Sadat & Prime Minister Begin, Camp David. Aug-Sep78

Reel Number: 250057-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1978,1970s

Country: USA

Location: CAMP DAVID,Maryland

TC Begins: 16:19:07

TC Ends: 16:36:50

Duration: 00:17:43

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1978 - Color, President Carter w/ President Sadat & Prime Minister Begin, Camp David. Aug-Sep78 President Carter & Rosalynn walking at Camp David; helicopter arriving & landing/ Carters greets Egyptian President Anwar Sadat & walk to others. Walking w/ others around, photographers & Secret Service, aides. Talk on steps of cabin. Carter leaving walking w/ US military. 16:23:36 Carter & Sadat walking, talking along path, thru trees. 16:24:05 Group by helicopter landing pad. Carter, Prime Minister Menachem Begin & others walking. Views w/ ?? (in uniform?) & Begin. Carter, Rosalynn & Begin walking alone w/ photographers in distance. 16:26:10 Inside cabin or ??. 16:26:28 Carter sitting w/ Sadat on patio talking, smiling/ 16:27:02 Carter sitting on log bench, stand up & waits. 16:27:26 Begin, Carter, VP Walter Mondale & others standing, talking. Begin, Carter walk to cabin w/ Aspen above door (President’s cabin) & enter. 16:27:59 Carter & Begin sitting on patio talking. Sadat walking w/ ??, talking. Sadat meets Begin, they shake hands & sit down w/ Carter on patio. Talk, gesture. CUs. 16:29:40 Group beside cars, photographers. Unid. woman walks w/ Rosalynn. 16:29:53 Black 16:29:59 Begin, unid. woman & Carters talking. Say goodbyes; Carters into cabin. 16:30:25 Carter & unid secretary or reporter talking outside cabins. Shakes hands w/ two aids w/ bicycles, one wearing yamulka; talk. 16:31:39 Carter greeting Begin & aides on driveway. 16:32:10 Carter, Sadat, Begin & Rosylnn walking. Presidential aides watch. Others behind rope. 16:32:39 Presidential helicopter landing; Prime Minister Begin off & greeted by Carters. Begin introduces his party to Carters, hand shaking, walking. 16:35:22 Sadat & Begin greeting, talking & entering Aspen cabin followed by photographers & ??. 16:35:36 Carter at desk, Sadat & Begin sitting beside talking as photographers take pictures. 16:35:54 Ext. CU sign: Holly. 16:36:07 Ext. LS cabin w/ man entering. Men standing, talking; others on golf carts. 16:36:26 CU sign: Israeli Delegation, in front of sign. 16:36:35 LS two small trailer houses. LS thru trees Sep78 ; Middle East Peace Talks; Diplomacy; Camp David Accords / Agreements; NOTE: Frank Carlucci, Deputy Director of CIA seen several times. NOTE: Sell entire at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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