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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1006-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1979
Country: USA
Location: Nellis AFB,Nevada
TC Begins: 01:00:00
TC Ends: 01:46:03
Duration: 00:46:03
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1979 - Color, USAF A-10A: Strafing Tests On M-47 Tanks, Nellis AFB, Nevada. 30Jan-03Feb79 Pt. 1 of 2 Slate: AVA-236 Camera Wines Pre-Test Doc. 30Jan79. Two tanks in LS, M-47 w/ numeral closest, mountains in background on Nevada’s Nellis testing range, pan to MCU & LS setting up & loading 16mm cameras, adjusting lens aperture. 01:04:17 Slate: Tank A. Dir. Hartman, camera ??. Men preparing T-47 tank no. 36 & working around turret; measuring damage. Dr. Stolfi talking (MOS) to camera describing damage assessment; man taking notes. 01:10:26 leader. Underexposed ?? 01:10:55 Aerial long shots / ALSs of M-47 tanks on range, some burning. 01:16:59 Black 01:17:31 ECU of bullet holes in no. 29 M-47 tank turret, pull back to MS of tank. ECU of 90mm gun muzzle, pull back to MS of tank. LS of cameraman, pull backs to MS of M-47. 01:18:29 ECU & pull back from M-47 suspension system & track. 01:18:48 MS men inspect no. 30 M-47 tank w/ tape measure; ECUs of holes in turret & cannon barrel. 01:19:33 MS burned out M-47 tank. MS inspection teams beside two M-47 tanks. MS & LS of inspection team walking toward tank, then walking away toward camera. 01:21:17 Leader 01:21:57 Slate: Illegible. Dr. Stolfi beside M-47 on range, describing damage assessment procedures, measuring hole size and angle, man beside him entering data on sheet. Repeats. 01:24:33 CUs of Dr. Stolfi kneeling beside tank, describing damage assessment w/ calipers. 01:26:23 Leader w/ edit point. 01:26:29 LS of tanks, mountains behind. Dust from bullets & drifting smoke; tank nearest begins to burn. 01:29:41 Leader. LS tanks, underexposed. No action until... 01:32:38 Shells hit tank on left w/ flashes & sparks & smoke from hits from GAU-8A ammunition, then tank on right is hit. (all dark / murky) 01:35:15 MLS of M-47 no 34 on range, hit by GAU-8A rounds, very impressive, then obscured by smoke. 01:40:14 Leader. Slate: 03Feb79 Camera: Byrd. 01:40:30 MSs & CUs of inspection team checking M-47 tank no 30 & wooden mannequins to determine damage & effect on crew (casualties). Entering finds on data sheet. 01:43:07 Leader. Slate: same. 01:43:25 MSs & CUs of man atop burned out M-47 no. 30, checking damage to turret. ECU of track & idlers on burned out M-47. ELS of man running across desert. ECU of GAU-8A projectiles lying beside M-47 track. ECU of bullet hole in tank. CU Rear view / RV of M-47 turret. MSs of inspection team walking to M-47 & starting damage assessment. Cold War; Weapons Testing; Fighter Jets Weapons Testing; Patton Tanks; NOTE: Any continuous 26 minute from 01:00:00 - 01:52:12 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: