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Go to HomepageReel Number: 200575-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:14:06
TC Ends: 04:38:49
Duration: 00:24:43
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1980s - Colour, USA Aircraft: F/A-18 Arrested Landing Practice; Pilot Checking Plane; In Flight F/A-18 Hornet landing from over lake (?), touching down & taking off; repeated. Turning radar dishes beside runway. Third landing catches restraining cable in test. CU taxiing, pilot raises canopy. 04:16:14 Landing & catching cable. 04:16:41 Three F/A-18 parked side by side. F/A-18 taxiing past parked helicopters & signaled to stop, ground crewman checks wheels; pulls & parks next to others. 04:19:10 Taking off & wheels up over camera, second lane. Views of planes overhead during take off, into distance. 04:20:37 Landing w/ tail hook down & catching cable & abruptly stopping. Released. 04:21:04 Following planes in sky during take offs. 04:22:01 Telephoto shot of landing F/A-18 w/ tailhook down overhead. 04:22:27 bad image. 04:22:29 Pilot suiting up; CUs of gathering equipment & helmet from rack & walking past. 04:23:30 F/A-18s on tarmac warming up; pilot to plane w/ ground crewman assisting, putting helmet & fitting oxygen mask into cockpit. Multiple takes. Pilot inspecting plane & missiles / rockets. 04:26:07 CU exhaust & pilot inspects. Inspects attachment of weapons. 04:28:27 Open cockpit, pilot looks in & climbs in; crewman helps. Shot from each side of aircraft. Helmet fitted & straps attached; oxygen mask fitted. Shot from nose as canopy lowered. 04:30:32 CU removing chocks from wheel. 04:30:46 No pix. 04:30:49 Air-to-air of F/A-18 & two other aircraft in tight formation. From several angles. Clouds beneath w/ shadows of clouds on ground. 04:34:15 No pix 04:34:19 Same (?) three planes from below w/ blue sky above. From above & alongside w/ clouds behind; dropping down so blue sky shows above. 04:36:10 No pix 04:36:13 From below MCU showing rockets. CU alongside. 04:37:26 No pix 04:37:39 MCU of F/A-18 alone from several angles & distances (reflection in canopy plexiglass). NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Note: some picture interference.