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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221354-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1982
Country: Pakistan,USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 17:00:00
TC Ends: 17:22:18
Duration: 00:22:18
1982 - Color, President Reagan: Arrival of President Zia of Pakistan, w/ Remarks. 07Dec82 White House lawn, Marine Band, President & Mrs. Reagan announced & walk out in sun w/ crowd watching. Limousine arrives w/ Pres. Zia who is greeted & embraced by Reagan who introduces him to Nancy Reagan. Mrs Zia out of car & introduced and then introduced to VP & Mrs Bush & various military & others. 17:02:36 Onto podium & Pakistan National Anthem announced & played by. Reagan confused puts left hand over heart, quickly changes; both stand at attention, US anthem follows. Fife & drum corps plays & they talk, smile & look around in MCU. (GOOD). 17:09:35 Reagan w/ notes reads greeting: “..close ties...your world in particular is passing thru a critical phase...will draw our peoples ever diligently together...” Quotes Pres of Pakistan speech to Congress in 1950. “Your courageous & compassionate role in giving shelter to millions of Afghan refugees is well known to the American people & will long be remembered...we also applaud your efforts & those of the Indian government to reconcile your differences....similarly Pakistan’s positive response to peace efforts in the Middle East have contributed to our confidence that our two countries can work together for peace & stability. After many years of disappointment there is growing recognition in the Middle East that a continuation of violence can only breed a worsening conflict. This cycle must be broken...” 17:12:54 “Underlying our ties however is something that is even more critical in an enduring relationship; and that is the warmth of understanding that exists between the peoples of our countries...” 17:13:45 “Mr President...welcome to the United States.” They shake hands. 17:14:00 Pres. Zia at mic gives prayer then reads from notes, thanks Reagan’s welcome & hospitality. Says he’s been to the US a few times before, “..but each time it is a new experience for me...” 17:15:44 “My visit this time Mr. President is not just one of discovery or rediscovery. I take it as a visit of great importance; for renewal & reaffirmation....I look forward to the strengthening of our ties...” Discusses Southeast Asia & serious challenge & threats to the peace of the world. “Pakistan’s the principal of non-alignment & to the objectives of Islamic Conference (?) are the fundamental postulates of its foreign policy...” 17:17:42 “The responsibility for providing refugee & a safe haven for nearly 3 million fleeing the oppression in Afghanistan has been shouldered by our people as an humanitarian duty and the state of Islamic Brotherhood.” Thanks US for help in enhancing Pakistan to withstand external forces of disruption. 17:18:56 “Mr. find equitable & humane solutions to the conflicts in our region...within the principles of the United Nation...” 17:20:35 “You and I have a rendevous w/ destiny, I thank you.” Handshaking, applause, smiles. They leave podium to Marine Band playing & enter White House followed by others. Pakistan & US flag flying. Ceremonial Diplomacy; Ceremony; Confusion; Speeches; State Visit; Note: Zia, a military dictator who took control in bloodless coup, imposed strict Islamic law, channeled US military aid to fight Soviets in Afghanistan, & was assassinated 17Aug88 in a planned air crash. NOTE: Any continuous 11 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library