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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250129-23
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1990s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 19:15:49
TC Ends: 19:24:37
Duration: 00:08:48
1990s - Color, US Military Training: Field Firing Range, Automatic Rifles, Machine Guns MS & CUs firing machine guns in grass, brush, under trees. 19:16:51 Black 19:16:53 Rear door drops & troops out of APC ; advance past huts, firing guns, thru banana groves. Crouching, firing automatic rifles, machine guns into trees/brush. MCUs. Soldiers running ahead. 19:19:37 Soldiers lying prone on ground w/ rifles. Fighter jet over. Helicopter lifting 3 soldiers on rope; large tour buses visible in background, another helicopter seen. 19:20:42 MS soldier w/ bazooka on shoulder ; others firing automatic rifles. Firing at targets, 19:21:56 Pan to instructor on firing range seen; dust kicked up around targets. War Preparations; Weapons; Marines ; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. See: or contact us at: