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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250212-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1960s,1964,1965
Country: USA
Location: California,Edwards AFB
TC Begins: 20:15:32
TC Ends: 20:26:47
Duration: 00:11:15
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Aviation, Military - Color, 1964-65, SR-71 1st & 2nd Flights. 21Dec64; 08Jan65 Aerial SR-71 Blackbird flying r. to l. followed by two chase planes against white clouds & blue above; zoom in on SR-71 w/ plane tail number visible. 20:16:27 MCU full view from below l. to r. & r. to l. LS chase plane following l. to r. 20:17:43 View from above SR-71 flying above clouds w/ chase plane. View over desert. 20:18:53 Landing r. to l. w/ drag parachute. 20:19:20 Leader. 20:19:37 CU SR-1 l. to r. various altitude. GOOD. CU w/ tail number 17950. Various shots including w/ wheels down. 20:22:14 Leader 20:22:32 MLS flying l. to r. GOOD CUs in early morning light. CUs. View over farmland, landing approach & landing from above. 20:24:36 Leader 20:24:46 Slate: Edwards Air Force Base, 08Jan65 SR-71 #950. Camera Sgt Mueller. Aerial alongside & above SR-71 taking off. Cold War; 1960s; USAF Test Flights; Reconnaissance Aircraft Spy Plane; Supersonic Airplane; 1964; 1965; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: