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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250045-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960
Country: USA
Location: Nebraska,Offutt AFB
TC Begins: 16:00:03
TC Ends: 16:14:34
Duration: 00:14:31
Titles Pt. 1 of 2 16:01:45 Dust cloud on test range after rocket firing. LS activity on SAC base airstrip w/ Army sedan past B47s on the flight line, pulls up at fighter jet, 2 officers out & Ed shakes hands w/ fighter pilot, Jim, a Colonel, discuss fact that “missiles are here to stay”. CUs Jim thinking, into car & CU being driven off watching fighter jet take off overhead. 16:04:07 POV back from jet doing abrupt climb & view of runway & airfield. 16:04:16 CU Jim sitting in car thinking. 16:04:44 LS, MCU, CU Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile in field in launch position. ICBM described. 16:05:53 CU warhead on rocket. 16:06:09 Interior of plant assembling missiles; men working on airframes. 16:06:25 CU firing rocket sustainer engines during launch; Vernier thruster engines during launch. Following rocket engines in telephoto w/ process explained. 16:07:33 Aerial LS over radio inertial guidance system’s building; dissolve to USAF airmen technicians working on canisters & actuators in missile. MS & MCUs. 16:08:02 Three men studying chart / map of North Pole area w/ lines to USSR targets. 16:08:18 MS Air Force technician w/ main frame computer punch cards putting into sorter pushes buttons on IBM 704; cards sorting; CU turning knobs to set targets. 16;08:51 Aerial over Atlas Missile Base, dissolve to bulldozer & other heavy equipment working; highway w/ semi-truck past. LS building construction; contractors looking at plans. 16:10:00 Aerial over Atlas 1 x 3 complex; soft-site configuration, one of three each w/ three missiles & 18 miles apart; dissolve to view of missile on launch pad. Launch & service building exterior & interior w/ missile hanging horizontal in launcher. 16:11:04 LS of launch operations building w/ technicians entering; launch control officer & crew at work stations wearing headsets. CU of status panel; launch button pushed. 16:11:46 Roof opening / rolling back over horizontal missile & missile raising to firing position. Guidance control officer & crew at electronic panels monitoring the radio inertial guidance system; technician pulling one electronic board & replacing w/ another programmed guidance board, CU. 16:12:31 LS missile lifting off during firing. Surface radar equipment turning & tracking. CU lights flashing on panel & ink printing out on paper; rocket continues. CUs Vernier Shutoff light; distance on odometer type giving range; guidance complete light flashing. 16:13:15 Technicians at panels w/ crew chief. Aerial over buildings for missile maintenance; large Atlas arriving on truck trailer carrier. Interior w/ Automatic Programmed Checkout Equipment, APCHE or MAPCHE used to check missile, printing out on paper & No Go & Go lights flashing. Continued... 1960s; Cold War; Military Nuclear Weapons; Training; Testing;